D.L. Hughley Receives Warm Welcome

D.L. HughleyD.L. Hughley Receives Warm Welcome


Jacque Reid, Bob Slade and Steve Wilson along with the main host D.L. Hughley make up the D.L. Hughley Morning show.  They seem to make a wonderful team.  D.L. seems to be very funny but down to earth and I admire his gentleman’s attitude in dealing with Jacque.  It is like D.L. Hughley knows how to be funny a bad man and a respectful person in one package.


I remember when I was first introduced to Jacque Reid on the Steve Harvey Show; he was totally disrespectful to her, as he was with most women.  Now it is like D.L.  brought funny back to the city, while Steve babbles about, well I do not understand him anymore.  I think Kiss 98.7 is the hottest radio station in New York City, hitting homeruns after homerun.


D.L. is quickly finding out about New Yorkers, I mean one day we are talking about pissing in bed the next we are talking about how to take piss, and then on the other hand he is on top of politics.  The guy is well rounded.


When I first heard D.L. Hughley was in town I was so happy, when I heard it may not be permanent I was worried, not that he is on blast I look forward to waking up to his show.  Well actually I wakeup about 4:30 am, but still I look forward to his show as I get ready for work.  I hope he gets syndicated if that is what he wants, but the Big Apple is all he needs, welcome to New York City D.L. Hughley.


May his show be blessed with staying power and may many stars visit him on a regular basis during promos.

Published in: on September 25, 2009 at 6:15 am  Comments (1)