The F.P. Jones Clean Slate Bill

The F.P. Jones Clean Slate Bill


I am about the address a serious dilemma in America.  The welfare of children from single parenting homes needs to be addressed.  With 40 Million people in America living below the poverty line and 13 million on them children this should be serious concern of all Americans.  Why?  Can we drain water from a rock?  If the parents of the children are poor the chances are the child is also poor.


This single parent agenda bill is about families reuniting or functioning as separate entities to the benefit of the child who did not ask to be born.  We have programs for single parents with the children, so we also should take into consideration that the parent separated from their children may from time to time need help also.


The main focus of this bill that I hope will be introduced to the Congress is the children of America poverty levels as a result of single parenthood.  One of the main reasons why parents’ breakup is due to economics and by the man being separated from the woman does not necessarily equate to better economic conditions for the child, if the father cannot produce child support.


As we address the poverty levels of the children in America, we must focus on the real issues which are food, clothing and shelter.  Most programs focus on the single parent with the children, but the focus should be on the children.  We cannot condone teenage pregnancy due to reckless sexual acts, no more than we can condone the deadbeat dads.  But if it is due to economic circumstances our question is should it be forgiven for the sake of the children. We cannot continue to use children as pawns to be vindictive towards the poor man in America.   Though this is not a black and white issue it is often an aggravated assault on black men.


Why are there not programs to help the deadbeat dad catch up on child support payments?   Why once a man falls behind he can never catch up?  This is an example of symbolic castration, as we send the mother the check and the father the bill, we send the woman to college and send the brother to jail?


Understand the issue at hand.  If money is being paid by tax payers to rectify an economic injustice such as the lack of food, clothing and shelter for a child, why must it become a judicial situation? Thus it  is double jeopardy on the tax payer. This is evil and vindictive. 

The F.P. Jones Clean Slate Bill is simple.  If a man can prove he was a deadbeat dad due to economic circumstances and has means to support his children now, his old debts to society is wiped clean.  Though this may sound liberal it will bring deadbeat dads out of hiding and possibly reunited children with both parents active in their lives.  If we can forgive illegal immigrants and big corporations we can forgive the little guy struggling to buy a loaf of bread each day.