The Synagogue of Satan

Jewish Symbol

The Synagogue of Satan


First of all, I tell you, read this scripture below and secondly look up what synagogue means:


Read: Revelation 3:9

I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars–I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.


Synagogue: A building for Jewish worship and religious study. a building used by Jewish people for worship and religious study.


Any person with an eighth grade education can understand who this is being written about. I shouldn’t have to convince you that the So-Called Jews are not the true Jews as described in the Bible who are the Zulu’s given the name Zews in a secret text. This you should be able to see if you just read what is being said. My job is to open your eyes to the fact that the Bible is talking about you (The African American Slaves) emancipation from the grips of all these lies and deception that have been told to you for hundreds if not thousands of years. You think you was procreated in the likeness of your God , but  is Satan you serve and in his image you have become and don’t even know it. While you boast in the Lord, they are laughing at you and me, but not for much longer. His days are coming soon.


These lies certainly go back  further than just about every African Americans documented Family Tree or Family history.  Therefore you assume the Bible cannot be about you, because of its gynecological accounts going back to this diabolical creation by Satan in the name of God, to created the order of the first Adam or darkness.


We as African slaves lost all ties to Africa, our languages were taken away even if it meant cutting our tongues and our culture was taken. These are the realities of slavery that we can testify to. But is seem as if while we were in slavery, we prayed for God to save the Jews, which was the right thing to request. But they seem to still be praying for the salvation of the Devil in an act of self hatred due to the lack of knowledge of self. Yet these so-called Jews were their slave masters as well, using us for free labor in America. But they claim they were slave also, all while maintaining their language, culture, history and family, if you let them tell it.  But I know history is told by those who win the wars. It is they who are among this evil ruler ship. If they were slaves it was only practice because to condition of the African American in America, is actually result of being put in to bondage for hundreds of years. The slave game isn’t about you walking away with your God and your Culture, but is about a process to make people controllable and sub-servant for as long as necessary to support an economy and allow them to maintain their status and position in society. If the white man really wanted us to be anything but what we have become, the laws would have been written to be enforced to accomplish this.



Two Historical fact:


American mainland colonial Jews imported slaves from Africa at a rate proportionate to the general population, Jews accounted for 1.25% of all Southern slave owners, and were not significantly different from other slave owners in their treatment of slaves.

From Wikapedia:


It hurts me and I am in so much pain, because I did just about everything required by the bible so that you would receive me.  But it seems that you have become so ignorant that it will be required that I force Satan to reveal himself in order to release you to me. You will never leave him on your own, because you have become loyal servants to the Devil, claiming you have the spirit of someone you refuse to even listen to or consider.  I know you are all full of it and so do you!  Playing the Christian role is only for social acceptance and to hide your true colors. You do this to gain favor from Satan and not God.


You be crying Paul persecuted me based on bible scripture, when he had all the reason to take them out with a disease or something, because you are evil.  White Christians were never mistreated in mass numbers, but the so-called black Christian did catch hell. Because through the Mafia I controlled a lot of things that caused you harm. But now I am saying it is time for change, because with that money we made so much more money, that we actually broke the bank and became the bank. So now you know why! But until we understand who we are as a union and nation of people, I cannot use you because you are still in darkness and will not release this to you, because you will only give it back to those who stole it form me in the first place


But you think you are safe under the current arrangement.


How can a people so screwed up, believe in a God that doesn’t even address them. Where is the black man in the Bible.  He is the Gentiles like his slave master?  Get real!  You say you are Gentiles, when you are Jews. Meaning not only are you non believers, but you are the prize. Therefore this war cannot be won on the battlefields, because you all have become Satan’s most loyal frontline servants who are  willing to die for his world that has no place for you in it but perpetual sub servitude. He say the only way you can be free ever is for the whole world to be destroyed.  But just like I never gave you the power over my life, I never gave Satan the power of the ending of this world. He just got all of you punks scared.


How can you believe in a prophesy that nobody can ever fulfill? No matter what, you have been designed to reject your King. It is that simple! Nobody but some lie the Jews might try to tell you, will ever qualify as the Son of Man. You need confirmation from CNN?  But I guarantee you that if ever the so-called Jews bring forth someone claiming he is me in this last days or even another Dr. King.  Claiming they are whom I loved most, I promise you he will be assassinated without me saying anything and I promise I will never be assassinated, because I AM.


I realize many of our elderly are at no point of return. As they claim white Jesus and say they are of spirit and for this reason most of them will not make it to the other side of the mountain. But will go to there graves as a last stop. Without resurrection, because the resurrection is the awakening of the dead to the light of the world. I could lie to them, but in me is reality.


Until the African American Slaves recognizes me as their King and Lord of Lords, they will remain in bondage in America. The greatest bandage of the Black Man in America, is mental slavery and the lack of self knowledge. If you only would attempt to see the bible characters for who they truly are, it would all make sense to you.


The Pharisees are the Prince Hall Freemasons, whom are ignorant. Because they received their lessons for the same people as you, whom we refer to as the Illuminati based on the teachings of the synagogue of Satan, who you refer to as Jews. They are supposed to know the Lord, but the bible clear tells you that they too were ignorant of the Lord and rejected him. They rejected him just as they and you are doing today. Because that was what you was made into and designed to do. The Black Man in America has no soul, because he rejects the Lord who is their King or Leader.


African American Slaves call themselves Christians, as an excuse to follow European culture and mistreat the Black Woman, telling her some of you’ll must go without a man.  Whereby it is a fact that there are 1.8 Million more black women in America then black men. You do the math on monogamy.  And they think the Devil is supposed to have their place in my Kingdom.  How can you save a warrior with weapons of war that are pointed at you and who sees you as their enemy and has the authority of their slave master to kill you?


I realize our war will only be won, when they take out the many figureheads who claim they represent God but are representatives of the Synagogue of Satan. Trust me it will happen and we are living in the last days.


Now I am going to let you in on something.  I knew Pope Benedict XVI, would resign and he repented, because all he wanted was to go to his grave with testicles, which he had to surrender to Satan hold that position of figurative power of Satan.  His request was to be granted.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones in the name of the Aka Apostle Paul Castellano

The Secret war fought by Knights of the Golden Circle Revealed!

Knights of the Goldenr Circle Symbol

The Grand Architecture of America Pt. 1


The Secret war fought by Knights of the Golden Circle Revealed!

 By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones – President and CEO – The National Community Network

God is amazing! Through the spirit of God in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,  I must give all the credit to, for what I have come to realize and therefore can now share with you.

Please try to follow me:  I had a mental picture about the future Avon Park, Fl and Highlands County many years ago.  I saw the Queensbridge Project’s in the borough of Queens in New York City as my birthplace and Avon Park, FL as my promise land.  It’s funny how one’s promise often seems to be the place where the  foundation of his family begun.  Though I was not born in Avon Park, I have birthrights here.  And in New York City my rights were established through accomplishments in seemingly everlasting escrow accounts, where I had no birthrights, yet I was born there.

This is the story of most African Americans. Though we were raised in the North, our families originated in the South.  Please understand this, before I continue, African Americans are not originally from Africa, Africans were brought here to America from Africa and all family ties were eliminated for almost all African American’s and there tongues were symbolically cut to prevent them from speaking in native languages.  Therefore the African American in almost cases originated in the Southern States of America as slaves on plantations and as a result of being repressed by tyranny, many migrated to the Northern States into urban areas populating major cities in search of better opportunities”. And then by design was forced into mere survival situations in urban subsidized housing complexes, trapped with no place to go but social services, such as food stamps, welfare and job training programs almost never resulting in creating an independent calls of people.

The only man who requires the granting of his birthrights given to him is a man who is absent of them. With the understanding that the African America birthrights in America were duly recognized by President Abraham Lincoln.  The Sherman’s Special Field Orders, No. 15, revoked by President Andrew Johnson (who was obviously in agreement with the Knights of the Golden Circle and a Confederate sympathizer)  after the assassination of President Lincoln. It required 400,000 acres of land along the Atlantic coast of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida and the dividing of it into 40 acres, among about 18,000 freed slave families and others living in these areas. These are the facts behind why we have the birthright to demand not just “40  acres and a mule,” but also compounded interest payments based on the economic and population growth since the government reneged.  Or was it really only an empty threat by president Lincoln towards the Southern whites Or was President Lincoln’s assassination actually a conspiracy and thereby the South’s actual checkmate and final move against the North?

What people fail to realize is that the civil war wasn’t actually won on the battle field, as in most wars. What actually transpired was a long drown out political civil- economic war, that used social issues as a means of controlling the masses of many poor blacks, until this day. It was devastating in the South then and still is now, but be not fooled, it is and was oppressive from black people up North as well.  Because when black people went up North, we actually left our homes and surrendered our birthrights to tyranny state government that are still confederate states. They simply modified their tactic to win public acceptance for their business corrupt practices. Because it was always about state rights, which is the fight of the now Republican Party representation until today in Washington D. C. our Capital.

When you understand the mission of the Knights of the Golden Circle and how they disappeared by establishing new identities, you understand that the South never surrendered. And very few know the true  identifies of these people.  But promised to continue their fight in what they billed as the second civil war, which continues in America until present day.  For example I can testify that there are a lot of repressive laws right here in Avon Park, Fl., which is clearly based on confederate southern culture and governance.  They proved over 100 years ago that the key to winning the civil war in America was to control the figurehead in the White House called the President and deceive the masses through mass media.  Just as they did the slaves using the bible, by programming them with ideas like “Love your Master.”

General Sherman’s special field orders, No 15 was made under President Lincoln’s authorized martial law, during the civil war.  The orders were signed January 16, 1865 and was revoked by President Andrew Johnson in that same year in the fall, while we were still under martial law.  So the buck stopped their, regardless of the size of the Army or who won on the battlefield, the President had an iron hand to rule, as a result of Lincoln’s decision, but the authority was transferred to a hostile President in Andrew Johnson.  Which brings about an important question.  Are we still under martial law?  Because  martial law was never actually legislatively lifted.

The Freedmen’s Bureau (The Federal Agency), which included things like land distribution, was established in 1865 and ceased to exist in July of 1868, when the 14 Amendment was ratified, without President Andrew Johnson’s approval, but through a Congressional override despite President Johnson’s, constant vetoes to prevent African American emancipation, independence and economic growth.  But still as you will see, what we got out of the deal called the 14 Amendment was another 100 years of oppression in a nutshell.

The 14 Amendment did not  and was not designed to emancipate the slaves of the South, nor did it really give many blacks in the North true and equal citizenship as equal partners within the Union. What it was really all about, was the system of reintegrating Southern States to their homes and properties and what they demanded from the beginning, which what we all too often hear about everyday on the news. State Rights!  And it was clearly about the reintegrated Southern white back into the Union, with full benefits. That is all the 14 Amendment was and is.  If it was anything more, why were the civil right battles of the 1960’s necessary and today most of the grounds gained then is now seemingly being taken away again.  Because many forms of oppressive measures are still being obligatory force on  the black American.

The civil war wasn’t fought due to the love the Northerners had for the then oppressed and enslaved African slaves in the Southern States. The truth of the matter is morally they cared less.  The truth of the matter is that the Civil War of 1860-1865 -2014, is and was fought over States rights.  The War Between the States began because the South demanded States’ rights and were not getting them.  The Southern States arguments was that they were paying taxes without fair representation. It was two years later into the war when President Lincoln decided to free the slaves and had nothing to do with any declarations of war.  It wasn’t until September after the bloody”Battle of Antietam, or Sharpsburg, on September 17, 1862″ this was why President Lincoln decided to make the promise to free the slaves, which was two years into the war. It was punishment against the Southern States. Negroes who think for one moment that these cousins killed off each other as they did, because they even cared about what they both preserved as cattle or food, is foolish at best. Our purpose fro being shipped here was clearly about a source of cheep labor, through oppressive policies.  It was about economics and trade rights. Slavery was just one form of trade rights, as is State rights.

The North really didn’t have a problem with the slavery industry of the South, but was actually concerned with controlling it and the regulation Southern trade or who the South was authorized to sell their cotton too.  All during slavery the Northern States did business with the South.  So how were they ever actually against the labor used to support their industry?   They depended on the South’s ability to produce cheep products in the same way as big corporations do business with third world repressive governments.  While the South offered us a job in fields for a plate of food, the North offered us welfare, food stamps and job programs, but few careers, to eat off of. And now they cal us lazy people, who do not want to work.

The position of the North was “you can have all the slaves you want as long as you sell all your products produced by their labor to us up North, to support our industries.”  Meanwhile the Southern economy was sinking fast.  Therefore the South wanted to expand their business ventures to Europe, which would have meant bigger profits for them and a greater demand for their products, meaning higher prices for the North and more competition, creating lower consumer costs.  But this could have crippled the North, whose economy was booming and growing fast under these arrangements.  This is why the seceded States of the Confederation took action against the Union and left them.  Therefore to preserve the Union to maintain their source of low cost raw material, the civil war had to be fought and the emancipation of slaves was really a strategy to undermine the Southern white with empty threats.  It was about money as always every war seems to be fought for and not about sympathy, compassion or humanity rights for blacks. The history taught about the civil war is deceiving, because the truth of the matter is that the South won the war through espionage, when they killed President Abraham Lincoln.

Understand that if Lincoln would have gotten his way, it would have required that black people be allowed to produce weapons of war. And truly have the rights to bear arms in America.  The second amendment wasn’t drafted as a means of personal self defense in the sense that it is promoted today by the National Rifle Association.  The NRA is just another scheme being used by  people like the Knights of the Golden Circle. The second amendment is about land owner rights and the right to protect your property.  Had the 40 aches and mull deal been enforced, it would have required black landownership and therefore the full protections of the second amendment.  This is something the South knew they could never let happen.

But instead they have us boxed in urban America without true gun rights, killing off each other on the streets over drugs, because jobs are hard to come by and we have no land rights in reality.  This is something the Southern white Confederates knew could never happen and had to be prevented by any and all means necessary, they could not allow 400,000 aches of land to fall into the hands of African Americans in the period of history, because it was against Master Plan of the Grant Architecture of America that begun with the drafting of  the Creation Theory.  Think about it at about $3,000 per ache multiplied by 400,000 would come out to about $1.2B, Oprah Winfrey probably has that herself. But now multiply this by 100 years at the interest rates they charge us of 22%.  Then we have to ask, if the North really won the war, they should compensate us as well with matching funds. Because how can you say you setout to liberate a group of people, only to destroy their homes and replace them back under the same tyranny by granting the right to have their own government against under a better financial system.

The 11 Seceded State in America forming the Confederation Government

1.  20 December 1860 – South Carolina – 1st State to secede

2.  9 January 1861 – Mississippi – 2nd State to secede 3.  10 January 1861 – Florida – 3rd State to secede 4.  11 January 1861 – Alabama – 4th State to secede 5.  19 January 1861 – Georgia – 5th State to secede 6.  26 January 1861 – Louisiana – 6th State to secede

7.  2 March 1861 – Texas – 7th State to secede 8.  17 April 1861 – Virginia – 8th State to secede 9.  6 May 1861 – Arkansas – 9th State to secede 10. 20 May 1861 – North Carolina – 10th State to secede 11.  8 June 1861 – Tennessee – 11th State to secede

And Missouri and Kentucky were border line states..

The phrase “40 acres and a mule” has come to symbolize the broken promise that Reconstruction policies would offer economic justice for African Americans.  The “40 acres and a mule” promise featured in the Pigford v. Glickman (1999) decision.  Ruling that the United States Department of Agriculture had discriminated against African American farmers, Friedman wrote: “Forty acres and a mule. The government broke that promise to African American farmers. Over one hundred years later, the USDA broke its promise to Mr. James Beverly.” (a black farmer who lost everything due to discriminatory practices by our Federal Government)  “40 Acres and a Mule” is often discussed in the context of reparations for slavery.

However, realistically speaking, ‘forty acres’ purpose was to provide land for political and economic reasons and it had a price tag in dollar value and would have actually meant freedom to African Americans and reparations is about the unconditional compensation to African Americans as a result of lifetimes of unpaid labor or the compensation of unpaid labor by our ancestors.  But in the absence land distribution reparations would be a mere stimulus package and no more that would be the grounds to finally silence the world, by pretending to pay their debt was paid.   And therefore doesn’t actually address what transpired when the law of land distribution was not enforced. In fact, President Andrew Johnson, not only stop the process, but in a sense declared war against the African farmers and if not, how can it be justified that he gave black farmers property as they put it back to the Southern whites.  When in reality he took their land back from them, which they got as a result of land that was confiscated for an enemy combatant. Which doesn’t qualify was giving back something, which was stolen to begin with and lost as a result of a war.  The real issue of concern was and still is economic and political empowerment of African Americans to create a true partnership within the Union, which is the only way to gain equal rights and citizenship. This it the real and unresolved issue that must be addressed.

Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano

The Mexican Underworld Ruthless Slave Traders


The sad and true story starts with the Mexican and American governments.  The product is agriculture.  As we have the fruit and vegetables; they have the labor.  Farmers know what is going on; the American government knows what is going on and certainly the people of Mexico know what is going on.


The Mexican underworld is no joking matter.  They are into drugs, but everybody knows about the drug cartels.  They get all the negative media because of the drug wars around the world.  But the Mexican Underworld consist of people we see everyday in America.  They are sanctioned by the Mexican and American governments.  They are into things we in America overlook because we are greedy people.


I am talking about slave labor.  Sure the gangsters are into money laundering, loan sharking and drugs.  But the true culprit to all this chaos is the need for cheep labor.  We in America look the other way as these things go on right before us.  The slave trade is alive and booming in America today.


How it works:  The poor Mexican is offered an opportunity to come to America for $3,000.  He has no money, no job or income or place to stay in Mexico.  So of course he jumps on the opportunity to come to America on a shipment deal.  But these people are no joke and if they do not pay up they will be killed by their slave masters(the underworld). 


So they come to America owing $3,000 on an unwritten contract, an oral contract made among the government of Mexico, the contractor (code for Underworld) and the farmer and US government.  The deal is that the farmer gets his fruit picked and the US government looks the other way while slave labor takes place and the Underworld operates a dictatorship and runs the slave trade in America.


The Mexican immigrant has a contract to spend all of his money with the Mexican contractor, for housing to the many services necessary like food and other things.  They have to pay rent to their contractor for housing, everything rides through the contractor, then the leftover money goes towards the debt to get here in the first place. 


They have nowhere to hide.  If they are deported they are still in debt to pay and may well have to pay for another trip back to the US.  Deportation is no way out of this debt to the Ruthless Underworld.  If they run to another state they still need assistance from the contractor’s (code for Underworld) for labor assistance. 


America does not see this as a problem, because they operate among themselves.  However the bottom line is slavery still exist and thrives in the Good Ole  United States of America.  And a major problem is that our main competition in the agricultural labor market here in Highlands County, Florida, they are the Mexican slaves. Which is source of very inexpensive labor.


Apostle Paul aka Paul Castellano