The Secret war fought by Knights of the Golden Circle Revealed!

Knights of the Goldenr Circle Symbol

The Grand Architecture of America Pt. 1


The Secret war fought by Knights of the Golden Circle Revealed!

 By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones – President and CEO – The National Community Network

God is amazing! Through the spirit of God in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,  I must give all the credit to, for what I have come to realize and therefore can now share with you.

Please try to follow me:  I had a mental picture about the future Avon Park, Fl and Highlands County many years ago.  I saw the Queensbridge Project’s in the borough of Queens in New York City as my birthplace and Avon Park, FL as my promise land.  It’s funny how one’s promise often seems to be the place where the  foundation of his family begun.  Though I was not born in Avon Park, I have birthrights here.  And in New York City my rights were established through accomplishments in seemingly everlasting escrow accounts, where I had no birthrights, yet I was born there.

This is the story of most African Americans. Though we were raised in the North, our families originated in the South.  Please understand this, before I continue, African Americans are not originally from Africa, Africans were brought here to America from Africa and all family ties were eliminated for almost all African American’s and there tongues were symbolically cut to prevent them from speaking in native languages.  Therefore the African American in almost cases originated in the Southern States of America as slaves on plantations and as a result of being repressed by tyranny, many migrated to the Northern States into urban areas populating major cities in search of better opportunities”. And then by design was forced into mere survival situations in urban subsidized housing complexes, trapped with no place to go but social services, such as food stamps, welfare and job training programs almost never resulting in creating an independent calls of people.

The only man who requires the granting of his birthrights given to him is a man who is absent of them. With the understanding that the African America birthrights in America were duly recognized by President Abraham Lincoln.  The Sherman’s Special Field Orders, No. 15, revoked by President Andrew Johnson (who was obviously in agreement with the Knights of the Golden Circle and a Confederate sympathizer)  after the assassination of President Lincoln. It required 400,000 acres of land along the Atlantic coast of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida and the dividing of it into 40 acres, among about 18,000 freed slave families and others living in these areas. These are the facts behind why we have the birthright to demand not just “40  acres and a mule,” but also compounded interest payments based on the economic and population growth since the government reneged.  Or was it really only an empty threat by president Lincoln towards the Southern whites Or was President Lincoln’s assassination actually a conspiracy and thereby the South’s actual checkmate and final move against the North?

What people fail to realize is that the civil war wasn’t actually won on the battle field, as in most wars. What actually transpired was a long drown out political civil- economic war, that used social issues as a means of controlling the masses of many poor blacks, until this day. It was devastating in the South then and still is now, but be not fooled, it is and was oppressive from black people up North as well.  Because when black people went up North, we actually left our homes and surrendered our birthrights to tyranny state government that are still confederate states. They simply modified their tactic to win public acceptance for their business corrupt practices. Because it was always about state rights, which is the fight of the now Republican Party representation until today in Washington D. C. our Capital.

When you understand the mission of the Knights of the Golden Circle and how they disappeared by establishing new identities, you understand that the South never surrendered. And very few know the true  identifies of these people.  But promised to continue their fight in what they billed as the second civil war, which continues in America until present day.  For example I can testify that there are a lot of repressive laws right here in Avon Park, Fl., which is clearly based on confederate southern culture and governance.  They proved over 100 years ago that the key to winning the civil war in America was to control the figurehead in the White House called the President and deceive the masses through mass media.  Just as they did the slaves using the bible, by programming them with ideas like “Love your Master.”

General Sherman’s special field orders, No 15 was made under President Lincoln’s authorized martial law, during the civil war.  The orders were signed January 16, 1865 and was revoked by President Andrew Johnson in that same year in the fall, while we were still under martial law.  So the buck stopped their, regardless of the size of the Army or who won on the battlefield, the President had an iron hand to rule, as a result of Lincoln’s decision, but the authority was transferred to a hostile President in Andrew Johnson.  Which brings about an important question.  Are we still under martial law?  Because  martial law was never actually legislatively lifted.

The Freedmen’s Bureau (The Federal Agency), which included things like land distribution, was established in 1865 and ceased to exist in July of 1868, when the 14 Amendment was ratified, without President Andrew Johnson’s approval, but through a Congressional override despite President Johnson’s, constant vetoes to prevent African American emancipation, independence and economic growth.  But still as you will see, what we got out of the deal called the 14 Amendment was another 100 years of oppression in a nutshell.

The 14 Amendment did not  and was not designed to emancipate the slaves of the South, nor did it really give many blacks in the North true and equal citizenship as equal partners within the Union. What it was really all about, was the system of reintegrating Southern States to their homes and properties and what they demanded from the beginning, which what we all too often hear about everyday on the news. State Rights!  And it was clearly about the reintegrated Southern white back into the Union, with full benefits. That is all the 14 Amendment was and is.  If it was anything more, why were the civil right battles of the 1960’s necessary and today most of the grounds gained then is now seemingly being taken away again.  Because many forms of oppressive measures are still being obligatory force on  the black American.

The civil war wasn’t fought due to the love the Northerners had for the then oppressed and enslaved African slaves in the Southern States. The truth of the matter is morally they cared less.  The truth of the matter is that the Civil War of 1860-1865 -2014, is and was fought over States rights.  The War Between the States began because the South demanded States’ rights and were not getting them.  The Southern States arguments was that they were paying taxes without fair representation. It was two years later into the war when President Lincoln decided to free the slaves and had nothing to do with any declarations of war.  It wasn’t until September after the bloody”Battle of Antietam, or Sharpsburg, on September 17, 1862″ this was why President Lincoln decided to make the promise to free the slaves, which was two years into the war. It was punishment against the Southern States. Negroes who think for one moment that these cousins killed off each other as they did, because they even cared about what they both preserved as cattle or food, is foolish at best. Our purpose fro being shipped here was clearly about a source of cheep labor, through oppressive policies.  It was about economics and trade rights. Slavery was just one form of trade rights, as is State rights.

The North really didn’t have a problem with the slavery industry of the South, but was actually concerned with controlling it and the regulation Southern trade or who the South was authorized to sell their cotton too.  All during slavery the Northern States did business with the South.  So how were they ever actually against the labor used to support their industry?   They depended on the South’s ability to produce cheep products in the same way as big corporations do business with third world repressive governments.  While the South offered us a job in fields for a plate of food, the North offered us welfare, food stamps and job programs, but few careers, to eat off of. And now they cal us lazy people, who do not want to work.

The position of the North was “you can have all the slaves you want as long as you sell all your products produced by their labor to us up North, to support our industries.”  Meanwhile the Southern economy was sinking fast.  Therefore the South wanted to expand their business ventures to Europe, which would have meant bigger profits for them and a greater demand for their products, meaning higher prices for the North and more competition, creating lower consumer costs.  But this could have crippled the North, whose economy was booming and growing fast under these arrangements.  This is why the seceded States of the Confederation took action against the Union and left them.  Therefore to preserve the Union to maintain their source of low cost raw material, the civil war had to be fought and the emancipation of slaves was really a strategy to undermine the Southern white with empty threats.  It was about money as always every war seems to be fought for and not about sympathy, compassion or humanity rights for blacks. The history taught about the civil war is deceiving, because the truth of the matter is that the South won the war through espionage, when they killed President Abraham Lincoln.

Understand that if Lincoln would have gotten his way, it would have required that black people be allowed to produce weapons of war. And truly have the rights to bear arms in America.  The second amendment wasn’t drafted as a means of personal self defense in the sense that it is promoted today by the National Rifle Association.  The NRA is just another scheme being used by  people like the Knights of the Golden Circle. The second amendment is about land owner rights and the right to protect your property.  Had the 40 aches and mull deal been enforced, it would have required black landownership and therefore the full protections of the second amendment.  This is something the South knew they could never let happen.

But instead they have us boxed in urban America without true gun rights, killing off each other on the streets over drugs, because jobs are hard to come by and we have no land rights in reality.  This is something the Southern white Confederates knew could never happen and had to be prevented by any and all means necessary, they could not allow 400,000 aches of land to fall into the hands of African Americans in the period of history, because it was against Master Plan of the Grant Architecture of America that begun with the drafting of  the Creation Theory.  Think about it at about $3,000 per ache multiplied by 400,000 would come out to about $1.2B, Oprah Winfrey probably has that herself. But now multiply this by 100 years at the interest rates they charge us of 22%.  Then we have to ask, if the North really won the war, they should compensate us as well with matching funds. Because how can you say you setout to liberate a group of people, only to destroy their homes and replace them back under the same tyranny by granting the right to have their own government against under a better financial system.

The 11 Seceded State in America forming the Confederation Government

1.  20 December 1860 – South Carolina – 1st State to secede

2.  9 January 1861 – Mississippi – 2nd State to secede 3.  10 January 1861 – Florida – 3rd State to secede 4.  11 January 1861 – Alabama – 4th State to secede 5.  19 January 1861 – Georgia – 5th State to secede 6.  26 January 1861 – Louisiana – 6th State to secede

7.  2 March 1861 – Texas – 7th State to secede 8.  17 April 1861 – Virginia – 8th State to secede 9.  6 May 1861 – Arkansas – 9th State to secede 10. 20 May 1861 – North Carolina – 10th State to secede 11.  8 June 1861 – Tennessee – 11th State to secede

And Missouri and Kentucky were border line states..

The phrase “40 acres and a mule” has come to symbolize the broken promise that Reconstruction policies would offer economic justice for African Americans.  The “40 acres and a mule” promise featured in the Pigford v. Glickman (1999) decision.  Ruling that the United States Department of Agriculture had discriminated against African American farmers, Friedman wrote: “Forty acres and a mule. The government broke that promise to African American farmers. Over one hundred years later, the USDA broke its promise to Mr. James Beverly.” (a black farmer who lost everything due to discriminatory practices by our Federal Government)  “40 Acres and a Mule” is often discussed in the context of reparations for slavery.

However, realistically speaking, ‘forty acres’ purpose was to provide land for political and economic reasons and it had a price tag in dollar value and would have actually meant freedom to African Americans and reparations is about the unconditional compensation to African Americans as a result of lifetimes of unpaid labor or the compensation of unpaid labor by our ancestors.  But in the absence land distribution reparations would be a mere stimulus package and no more that would be the grounds to finally silence the world, by pretending to pay their debt was paid.   And therefore doesn’t actually address what transpired when the law of land distribution was not enforced. In fact, President Andrew Johnson, not only stop the process, but in a sense declared war against the African farmers and if not, how can it be justified that he gave black farmers property as they put it back to the Southern whites.  When in reality he took their land back from them, which they got as a result of land that was confiscated for an enemy combatant. Which doesn’t qualify was giving back something, which was stolen to begin with and lost as a result of a war.  The real issue of concern was and still is economic and political empowerment of African Americans to create a true partnership within the Union, which is the only way to gain equal rights and citizenship. This it the real and unresolved issue that must be addressed.

Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano

The Truth About Paul Castellano and Michael J. Jackson

Frank Paul Jones as a solider

Michael JacksonThe Truth About Paul Castellano and Michael J. Jackson

I am about to reveal some truths never revealed before, to prepare my flock for what is to come soon. My flock expands throughout the land from New York City to Los Angeles, California and beyond these boundaries.  And you will understand how Michael J. Jackson and the Jackson family played an intricate role in what has come to pass.

When I was 16 years old, I was worth $20 million. Dom Carlo Gambino left this for me, but I didn’t cash in, instead I started doing covert operations for the military at age 17. This article is not about my military service, but at age 30 after my service to country, I was worth $500 million and did not cash in again and this is where Michael Jackson fits in.

Half of his estate belongs to me. The question now is did he get killed or faked his death? But understand the truth being revealed is that I didn’t cash in, so though I raised hell with Michael J. Jackson, John J. Gotti and President George H.W. Bush with threats of killing people about this non payment of this money, it was all a front, because I chose not to get paid to finish my mission and I felt if I was rich and those who I came to save were poor, they would not receive me well.  It was imperative and still is that my people love and respect me on my day or I will have gain nothing. Therefore I or my associates and friends had no reason to harm Michael J. Jackson, because he was loyal for not paying me.  And his death put his estate back into the green, so I still wonder about him. His dying was good for business, especially if it was faked like John J. Gotti’s death.

Also I want to clarify something, when I went to California and got arrested and convicted  and Janet Jackson turned me in to the FEDS, it was because she was supposed to do this, it was a covert operation that came down from the White House and the Bush Administration. I went there to organized the Crips. What the White House had to do with this?  When I threatened President Bush, I was sent to Saint Elizabeth Hospital for 16 days, at which time I was briefed by the Secret Service on Crips and Bloods operations in California, but at the time the government didn’t know much about them, as I found out by them. So even Janet Jackson was loyal and did what she was programmed to do, I wasn’t the only one put under hypnosis in July 1989.

After Michael died in 2009 my court records got released yet they were sealed. This wasn’t supposed to happen.  I probably was against the law.  A lot o personal information got released and I was made out to seem more crazier than I was already depicted as.  They called me a stalker and everything else again.  This is because I and the FBI was always at odds. I always had good connections with the Secret Service, CIA and DOD, but was never in bed with the FBI, who has been investigating me since the John J. Gotti trial and probably before then. But though the FBI put me under legal scrutiny they couldn’t do much to me, because of the Secret Service, CIA and DOD. It wasn’t until recently that I clarified things with the FBI director Robert Mueller, who thought he could put me away last year. He has since been replaced by James B. Comey on September 4th, 2013. Hopefully now my problems with the FBI are solved. FBI director Robert Mueller arrived just before 9/11 and for this reason he should have praised me, because we prevented a nuclear holocaust in New York City.

To think I had a beef with Michael J. Jackson was to bark up the wrong tree due to misinformation. This is why when they (The FBI) told Michael J. Jackson about my threats against him, he was not alarmed at all and did not  pressed charges against me, only to make them go after him harder in an attempt to screw me as well, because my money was tied up in his estate. So to take him down would also have hurt me.

I know a lot of Michael J. Jackson’s fans think ill of me, but they seemed to not give Michael enough credit for handling his own affairs. They wanted to protect Michael from me and people like me, who they depicted as a nut case, yet Michael himself had no problems with me or ever voiced discontent concerning me. This is because they bought in on the idea that Michael was a little boy in a man’s body and not a very intelligent business man, who took care of business well. If I was crazy and a stalker and a threat to Michael, don’t you know he would have had the key thrown any on me? The FBI gave him the opportunity.

Now there were record companies who had problems with Michael and he voiced discontent about them and people like Tommy Motolla. Michael was taking ownership of a Beatles and other catalogs worth a lot of money, but the FBI didn’t seem to take that lead into consideration and you have to ask why.  Why they went through all that trouble to investigate me, someone who is supposed to be crazy but was of no concern of Michael J. Jackson, yet he himself told the world his life was in jeopardy because of his business dealings, but the FBI didn’t take the lead on this?  He never said he felt threatened by me, he said he felt threatened by Tommy Motolla, he said he felt threatened because of those copyrights he owned and was taking ownership of, which is half mines, so why would I want to hurt him? Michael J. Jackson and Paul Castellano are partners.

The truth about Michael J. Jackson will come to pass and all accounts will be settled. Now I am going to tell you how this works. I am a forgiving dude. People do wrong by me and I almost always forgive them. But John J. Gotti, he doesn’t forgive people especially once I do.   He is like the General of my Army and I am like the Son. On my day, I must forgive all who trespassed against me, but he will not and all accounts will be settled. And if Michael was murdered the culprits will wish they were never born, because generations will pay for this.

However, the real secret that we all have to look forward to is my last enemy which is death. I do not know how it will all happen other than my next major job will be to break the code of the DNA, in an attempt to slow down, stop or even reverse the aging process in mankind. So even though I gave up a natural life to fulfill my mission, what have I really lost?  I know I was born to suffer and so I did, with these expectations in life, but I know how a memory works. You can remember a lifetime in a matter of moments. I know because I did it in May 1990, when I remembered who I was. So all of this suffering will seem like one day in time.  All I can tell you was Paul Castellano who I am said, we will extend the life expectancy of mankind to 150 years and when we do this we will have plenty of time to even extend it more. The current promise in scripture is 70 years and I am 54 going on 55, so anyway you look at it the time is near. And from the look of things, I think it will be much sooner that 2029 which is when I make 70 years old. I just know this because John J. Gotti plans to be there and he would be 89 years old then. And things are starting to happen like I planned they would as signs of my day to come.


Frank Paul Jones aka Paul Castellano to be Declared Insane?

Paul in Avon Park, FL

Frank Paul Jones aka Paul Castellano to be Declared Insane?


I did a lot of writing over the last few years. A lot of what I wrote was put on Internet, under several aliases as well as in my officially documented and recorded name Frank Paul Jones.


When I had the revelation that I was Paul Castellano due to hypnosis sessions back in July of 1989 with John J. Gotti as well as other made men and associates of the Gambino Family out of New York City who participated and witnessed these activities that transpired and I woke up in the month of May 1990, I was mesmerized by the seemingly good news, because it gave my life new meaning and gave me a purpose and an agenda.  My first response was to contact the government and for several years I did this, I wrote the White House via fax regularly as I reported to them what I knew on so many subjects, which I felt was my duty to this country.  This begun under the President George H. W. Bush Administration and continued for many years until even this day.


Back then I became so fascinated and excited by the attention I got in secret  that I could not keep this good news to myself and felt compelled to share it with the world and not just friends, family and the government. And I did so with some successes, because I shared my blogs with over one million readers since about 2009.


My findings were somewhat surprising to some degree though they shouldn’t have been, because my family seemed to think I was delusional without question and many friends seemed to also think I was delusional, other than those who were there and yet though the government seemed to know what was going on with me, but decided it was best for the security of our nation to deny me and this gave me a profound understanding of a popular scripture in the bible.


Mark: 6:4 Jesus said to them, “Only in his hometown, among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor.”


The reason I can say this is not to convince you that I am Jesus Christ, but because many of my readers who knew nothing about me, seemed to accept my writings as somewhat the truth because they did not judge the messenger but only read the message and I know the government knows the truth about my journey throughout life and my works for (them) government, but my own people (my close friends and family) seemed to think I am crazy and they were the people who I tried to save (wakeup) first from what is to come due to the covert activities that took place in my lifetime. And to this effect there is a comparison with how many people did not receive our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and labeled him insane also.


My journey to spread the word about the truth on subjects such as AIDS (a biological weapon) and the Economic War (WWIII) was for over 20 years, which everything basically falls under today, because even AIDS like the drug epidemic are merely weapons being used in this economic war to create the One World Government, for the New World Order who have been in existence here since the inception of this Great Nation, whereby a few controls the masses.  They (The Government) and I agreed to a set of rules, the agreement was that I could say anything I want to say as long as I do not act on what I say.  I went as far as to threaten then President of the United States George H. W. Bush (the illuminati himself), because I knew I could get away with it but knew I could  not act on it and didn’t want to, yet still people close to me, did not see the significance of my actions as to my authority, they only saw an obsessed fool over Janet Jackson in action.  Whereby throughout my journey Janet symbolized the Jews and my love for the Jews, who are the African Americans, if you truly understand scripture and its symbolism or at least my teachings.


Today I now realize that people are never going to believe me until the people in power tell them who I am and work I have done. Only when they have been overcome will my people see the light, because of their slave mentality.  For this reason there is no longer any reason for me to starve for the sake of blind fools. Because nobody supports me or my causes and because of  my works I have been blackballed from society and the government, whereby I could not even get a decent job for about 25 years, this is the price I paid for the stunt I pulled at the White House in May of 1991.


Now I have a chance to at least be compensated from the government but not directly for my works.  The VA will have to make a determination that I was insane, when I was discharged from the Army in 1987, for them to compensate me. This will give the government the authority to not only deny me, but it will be documented as facts that it was evaluated and agreed upon by judges that what I have been sharing with the world is a mere figment of my imagination and that there is not truth or at least no consistency of facts being shared by me.  This is plausible denial for the government!  And I have to agree to these findings to be compensated in order to have a decent quality of life in my last years here on earth.  And I sincerely believe that Frank Paul Jones suffered long enough. Because though Paul Castellano  resides in the body of Frank Paul Jones, he is not Jones and Jones should not forever carry the burdens of Castellano’s work and continue to suffer in his name, especially when nobody believes to him anyway.


So the question as to “What Would Jesus Do” (WWJD) comes into play, while I guess he would die for a bunch of blind fools called sinners, but I am not he, so living and dying in absolute poverty and not being able to make bills each month while driving a lemon for a car about to collapse any day, only because Jones could not have a career in the workforce and therefore a retirement check would be continued folly in my part.  Because if people did not listen to me for over 50 years, my continued life of poverty will not change a thing.  And I realize that once this happens, I will be a documented insane man who should not to be taken seriously. So be it!



The irony behind this development is that because of this and how it will come to be, I am more convinced than ever that I am Paul Castellano.  I realize that the works of my last 20 years plus of sharing my life’s history with the world, was never expected to be accepted by those close to me.  And until those close to me accept my words as truth those from a distant will not be changed by it. They may believe me somewhat but not conceive the truth in their daily lives or act on my words.   And therefore it will be just information without the power change anything.  Nothing but rhetoric in the winds.


Was it a waste of time? I hope not, because the truth is everlasting even if it is overwritten, the facts remain, because the development of the future is determined by the facts of the past, even if the facts have been overwritten by fabrications.  Those who are in the sphere of controlling the world are in their positions of power or will be the power over the world because they know the facts from fiction.  So even if my service was not recognized by the those who I setout to wakeup first, still it was a calling for many.  I know that the rulers of tomorrow will have known what I said to be true and believable and will manifest it in their ruler ship. And I know that my history was already written and is available to the world on the Internet, even if I die tomorrow. And it is not my duty to continue to repeat myself over and over, at the price of poverty, hunger and despair.  I have to move on to another stage in my life. But because I did not die at their hands (The African Americans or Jews in symbolism), so they may survive also, even if it is in darkness.  For this reason it was said.


Mathew: 22-14: “For many are invited, but few are chosen.”


As I said what I had to say, now I must do what I must do. It is my plan to do community work with the remaining healthy years of my life I have on this planet. Only if it is God’s will, will the work I do make any real impact on lifting poverty for others. Because I have an idea of what is to come, perhaps I will be prepared for it and be able to help others prepare as well.  I realize I must design a new strategy and a new approachto my services to mankind and perhaps even change my way of life that I may become more believable.

James   2: 17: In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.



Barrack Hussein Obama II and the One World Government

Pres. Obama

Barrack Hussein Obama II and the One World Government

The White House is merely a stepping stone for President Obama.  He and the people behind them have a much bigger agenda.  And anyone who says anything to the contrary are either fools or liars.  For example Rush Limbaugh talks on his radio show and calls President Obama incompetent as a ground to attack him and get him out of office.  Either Rush Limbaugh is a fool or a liar and I think he is a lair, only trying to appease his audience to maintain his lifestyle.  Meaning he is a mere sellout, to those he gather in hatred.


Ted Cruz had his 15 minutes of fame, which will probably be extended another year or two, this charade he put on before the American people, promising his trailer trash constituency he could repeal Obamacare, actually added money to his coffer.  His performance paid him well and made him famous.  And considering the guy graduated from Harvard Law School, I do not believe he is a dummy.  But is playing on the ignorant people in America, who congregate in hatred. And now they talk about him running for President.  But he was born in Calgary, Canada.  I do not think he has the qualifications, unless Canada becomes the 51st State of the Union.  They disputed President Obama who came out of the 50th State, Hawaii.  So Ted Cruz can make noise but that is all, he will never be a real threat in holding the office of President.


So when you have people like Ted Cruz, Rush Limbaugh and even the speaker of the House John Boehner, playing into President Obama’s hands, what does this tell you?  They are all intelligent men I assume and all I have is a couple of Associate Degrees and can see that this is merely a stepping stone for Barrack Hussein Obama II, who has a  much greater agenda?  What does this tell you?  With the understanding that they are merely human beings, we can assume though they may have knowledge, they also have character defects. And an early lesson I learned from my father who was a high school dropout was that anger (hatred) is like a drunk and it will cause a person to lose their judgment.  People full of hatred and anger cannot think properly.


So you mean to tell me they (the republicans and white trailer trash) hate President Obama so much, as to self destruct before him.  President Obama said there was no winners, but he knows he won. Because he is doing everything he setout to do and his enemies are fighting among themselves, only because they are blind by hatred. They went as far as to rise a confederate flag at  the White House gates.  You might say, well President Obama didn’t get his economic agenda approved.  But understand he knows what is about to come to past, be knows there will be a One World Government or One World Economy and it is just a matter of time before it happens. The Third World War will be a war of economics.


Understand President Obama and the people behind him, have plans on being a part of that on the world stage, which is the evolution of the New World Order, which already exist, for America is the New World and this is historical facts.  So why would he waste his time with an economic agenda now?  This is in his future plans.  He wants to be among the top 10 people of the world, when all of this comes down.  Obama plans to make Clinton seem like a pawn on the Chessboard of world affairs. And these foolish republicans and I use the word foolish in that they are blind by hatred are playing right into his hands.  And he is laughing at them right now!  But this is no joking matter.  Because what is happening now is a prelude of what is to come.  And sooner than later believe that these government checks will stop coming (cease) as nations will stop buying America’s debts. Because our currency is getting too weak or they will say pay me back in gold and America cannot do this. Then inflation will go off the roof!


I say President Obama and add the people behind him to this statement, because we all know he is a black man.  And because he is black many assume he is for black people and the blind republicans perpetuate  this assumption.  But President Barrack Hussein Obama II, is a politician and do not get this twisted.  And like most politicians, he is for himself.  This shutdown is proof that they are for self.  They are for their own political power and control over the masses and are not about the service of the America people.  And because there were no winners among the common American, don’t get it twisted, there were winners and losers among the politicians. And the two who are standing tallest in the aftermath of this government shutdown and showdown are Ted Cruz and Barrack Hussein Obama II.  And the real winner is President Obama.  Because President Obama has a higher calling than his presidency (the world stage) and cannot be reelected and therefore accomplished his short term goals.  As for Ted Cruz he can never be the President of the United States, but can be the leader of the Tea Party, while making noise and getting paid in the process. But the Tea Party is an enemy of the republican party and therefore must be destroyed from within.


The Apostle Paul


Hilary Rodman Clinton Presidential Age Issue


Hilary Rodman Clinton Presidential Age Issue

When she ran against President Obama for the democratic nomination, I thought she had it, but it seemed she was too overconfident and somehow Senator Obama pulled it off.  Some people think the establishment just simply wasn’t ready for a woman President and went as far as to choose a black man over a white woman. I do not know.


However, I do know that President Ronald Reagan was the oldest man to be elected into the White House.  He was considered a great president, however I do not agree with that assessment whatsoever.  If fact, I do not believe he even ran the White House, with his Alzheimer disease. I believe he was simply a good actor with Hollywood experience, who was popular and was being controlled by a CIA, through an agent named George H.W. Bush, who was the CIA director during 1976-77, to become Vice-President  4 years later. Think about it!  As they tried to give this country away!


My concern with Hilary Rodman Clinton, isn’t her lack of experience, character or good will, in fact I think she would have made a wonderful president had she won the democratic nominations in the 2008 primaries, in the proper environment.  And I like the Clinton’s, President Bill Clinton wrote me twice and I still have his letters in my fire safe, to that I am grateful.  But she will be almost 70 years old, come the 2016 presidential race.  And like President Ronald Reagan she will be too old, to enter into the White House.  And Vice President Biden is already over 70 years old. So if she runs against him in 2016, when it comes to a ticket with youth, we will have no good alternatives.  I think this will and may become the weakness of the democratic party’s ticket in 2016.


And if we again elect a Democratic Senate and Republican House, I do not know if she will be able to endure the things they put President Obama through.  I think the key to President Obama’s resilience was his youth.  And I think he aged a lot over these last few years and it is not over.  How would an old lady handle this obstinate Congress?  The thing about President Ronald Reagan was that he had Congressional cooperation, these fools in the Congress today have their own agendas, having nothing to do with the good of the country or the American peole.  I think these fools will bring an old lady to tears, not once or twice, but over and over, because the things going on in America today had a young man crying, so what will it do to an old lady, with a caring heart?


I just think that Hilary Rodman Clinton, should really think it over, before she runs for president. Because she will probably win out of popularity. Our elections today are mere popularity contest, supported by big money for advertisement and promotion.  But she has to ask as herself, if she truly loves this country and the American people who she will be elected to serve. She must ask herself is she really up for the job of President of the United   States, under this current and hostile environment?  Because I think these fools will literally attempt to give her a heart attack.  She will be as old as Ronald Reagan, but will not have any of the cooperation he received in the White House, which was taken over by the CIA for almost 20 years under the Bush’s rein.


Apostle Paul aka Paul Castellano

The Truth about War on Terror and the Heroin Epidemic


The Truth about War on Terror and the Heroin Epidemic

I believe our government is competent and sees well into the future, when taking hostile actions, such as going to war.  But we live in a so-called democracy and often people have different views when making a decision.  So often one administration has to fix the problems created by their predecessors  And America has some real problems ahead that must be address as soon as possible.  The Heroin epidemic is a real threat now.


I was deeply involved in covert operations with the government and mafia, for a long time.  There is a new television show called “Burned Notice,” you should watch it, because things like that really happen.  The government will use you and spit you out in a short notice.  Sure the show is fictionalized for entertainment purposes, but the fact is that sometimes covert operatives  are used and disposed of in ways designed to protect the government’s interests.  As for me, they made me out to be delusional nutcase and therefore not creditable in American society and therefore not to believed.  People simply do not believe what I say anymore to include close friends, because of my Janet Jackson escapade.  It was by design and I went along with it, with both feet in.  No matter what I tell you my cover will not be blown.


I was asked by a psychiatrist, Why does the government have to pay me and why doesn’t the mafia pay me?  If I had a lot of money, people would believe anything I say  because of that.  But if I get a crazy check, my cover would not be blown.  They did not want me to have creditability for covert reasons.  The rules of the game is I can say whatever I want to say, as long as I do not act on it.  But I am growing tired of these rules!  But I have a high code and level of discipline, this is probably why I was chosen to carry the burden of knowing the truth, not to mention my abilities.


Back in September 2001 when the WorldTradeCenter was attacked, I was having an insomnia episode, probably for a covert reason.  I stayed up for three months.  I knew what happened on the day and was reporting to the White House via fax daily out of Brooklyn New York. When the attack happened, President George W Bush, ran into a problem, his airspace was compromised.  Everywhere Air Force One flew, he was being tracked.  He would jump for bunker to bunker and everywhere he went he was being followed.


He had a conversation and like I was put under hypnosis, so was he as a child by his father.  He really believed in the God of his understanding and based on these confused beliefs, he made many decisions while in the White House.  His father George H. W. Bush, controlled the White House for almost 20 years (Reagan, his and his son’s Administrations) and he was the person who ordered me to develop what is now known as the AIDS virus in the winter of 1976-77 while in Germany, out of CIA headquarters.  And it was his father who started these wars in the Middle East that we are still  in today.


They contacted President George W. Bush in airspace and told him “I am the God of Abraham, Jacob and Isaac.”  He being arrogant as a president and already brainwashed by his father, did not see through it. But did realized whoever it was had more power then he had.  It was his father who was behind this and John J. Gotti plotted this with my assistance, they knew he would fall for this.  Had he not gone along with it, he would have been killed and the vice president Dick Cheney would have done it, but it would have foiled the Halliburton deal which was pure corruption in government, bringing in tens of billions of dollars from these wars.  He was instructed to start these wars.  He was then safe.  I went along with it because I knew he would, I did not want him killed by any means.


However, I solved the problem with this war in November 2011.  When flight 587 went down, I instructed the White House to  put up a blockade on the Dominican   Republic.  When this happened the movements in the middle east became sporadic and uncontrolled.  They were being controlled out of that Island.  We could have ended the war in November 2011, but Michael Bloomberg and Al Sharpton broke the blockade in a private jet and freed the culprit who I believed was Rene Elizondo, who was supposed to be Janet Jackson’s live-in boyfriend, who was actually a drug kingpin and perhaps more, I was ordered not to kill him, when I went to California. Instead Tupac Shakur and Biggy Smalls got whacked as a result of that visit.  It was made to seem like a one for one East Coast – West Coast revelry.  Why is happened is another story.


Osama Bin Laden was a covert operative and was depicted as the number one enemy of the FBI who was in-charge of anti terrorism operations, overstepping the CIA, in the war against terror.  President George W. Bush did what he had to do to survive, because his father was a very powerful man with agenda to run the world and rape the United   States tax payers in the process.


Now we have all of these broken men returning from the middle east.  But America did not enter these wars with a legitimate exit plan.  And the people who profited from it are not in the White House anymore.  Sure they may return, but the fact of the matter is President Obama inherited a lot of problems and because of this his legacy is in question.  He inherited a bad economy and a war that was motivated out of greed and fear.  Those who caused it were greedy and those who carried out the mission were afraid for their lives.


Those Arabs did not just hijack those jets it was a conspiracy and it was an nuclear attempt on  New York City, but we were a step ahead of the game and sold them duds, knowing their true intent.  This is why the fire continued to burn for over 6 months, it was a nuclear candle on fire and spraying large amounts of water on it de-radiated the area, it could not put the fire out.


Now all of this money was made and the real problems are just beginning.  Now we are about to really be attacked from foreign and domestic terrorist.  We will have too many returning troops who will be veterans of foreign wars and that were told lies by the government. They are coming back to nothing, no jobs, poor healthcare, due to an overwhelmed system, a shortage on veterans benefits.  And they are addicted now to opiates disproportionately and the real drugs are about to hit the streets soon (raw heroin), making the crack epidemic of the 1980’s seem like small potatoes.  Because the people who will traffic these drugs  will be government trained killers with a grudge against the government for ruining their lives for weapons contracts and not the defense of our nation and not street thugs unorganized.  And the government cannot just simply continue to print money to get out of our economic woes, because countries like China are on to it, as they are devaluing our currency daily.  These are serious problems that has to be address by the Obama Administration and unpopular decisions must be made.


These are the problems America face in the immediate future and I am talking about this beginning within the next year, hell it already started.  These are not futuristic predictions

But current events.  It is happening before your eyes but you just was conditioned not to see it.  Shows like Graceland is being televised, showing you federal special agents (The FBI) shooting dope and telling you how good it felt.  They are grooming American society for the next heroin epidemic.  The drugs are already being stockpiled for shipment, hell they are probably already stateside awaiting its release to the general population.


Meanwhile the prisons are already overcrowded all over the country like California to include our federal correctional facilities. This is why they have to legalize marijuana, to make room for the real criminals of the state.  But money spent is already spent and the government is about spent out, because of discrimination against people of color.  The American government ruined too many innocent peoples lives out of greed and the truth is about to surface in the minds of the American people.  Because the truth of the matter is that Americans are stupid people when it comes the plights of others, but now it will be the plight of the American people at stake and we may well wakeup too late.


America is well on its way to becoming a land of lawlessness, if we are not careful.  Legalized prostitution, gambling and drugs may well become the law of the land, because there is not enough room in the prisons, personnel to incarcerate people cost money, hell the Department of Justice spends 1/3 of its dollars (budget) on prisons already fighting the war on marijuana.  So what can America do, if heroin hits the streets and masses become addicted to this highly addictive drug?  And still the cure to AIDS has not been released.  Why?  Because America will not be able to afford healthcare for all of these newly contracted AIDS victims, if intravenous drug use multiplies in American society and heroin will make a wood demon (intravenous drug addict) out of someone who fears needles.  It is that addictive!  Nobody is safe from heroin!


What is the solution/?  I am! And this is why I can wait so patiently, because they have to comeback to me sooner or later.  And later is sooner than many think!


The Apostle Paul aka Paul Castellano