NaQuila Likes Monster Red

NaQuila Likes Monster Red


With Energy drinks on the surge as many youths use it as an aphrodisiac (Intensifies sexual desires) and as we know in the music industry sex sells.  There is a big campaign between Red Bull and Monster Energy Drinks to start a huge rivalry in a limit partnership. 


Red Bull and Monster Energy Drinks are siding up with many Pop artists in a huge campaign to make Red Bull and Monster in the energy drinks market what Coke and Pepsi is in the soft drinks market.  .


We are hoping to get sponsorship from Monster, because it is our choice of energy drinks.  Monster is basically the same thing as Red Bull meaning it works the same, however Monster give you double the bang for your buck.  They are both equally quality drinks and the goal is to make consumers choose between the two as they corner the market with hop Hip Hop Commercials on stations like MTV, BET, VH1 and Nationwide Radio Airplay  that caters to the consumer group targeted by this campaign.

Be my Joneses

The G UmbrellaBe my Joneses


It was said that it is not so much important as to what goes into your mouth but what comes out of it, which is a maker of your character.  A very good word historically used as a negative connotation is Joneses meaning basically neighbor.  It is a saying to “keep up with the Joneses.”  Suggesting that you be in competition with your next door neighbor, sort of like they by a fence and you buy a more expensive fence, they buy a car and you buy a better car.


But in actuality the term Joneses is a friendly and non competitive term.  I call on the Hip Hop community to replace the terms “Nigger” and “bitch” with “Joneses.”  I call on them to say in there songs “be my Joneses.”  Because like Rev. AL Sharpton said, you are what you say you are.


Let us bring back a community to raise a child mentality and be truly neighbors and not allow ourselves to just simply be victims on the system.  A change in mentality is in our grasp, we can determine our destiny, by changing how we speak and therefore changing how we think.


It is like the new Mafia is a non profit organization for the betterment of our communities and not a self destructives movement of surviving by any means, because we are packed in the projects like sardines.  We have to address our circumstances and the situations we are facing such as the expansion of prisons, wars around the world and the AIDS pandemic; single parenthood, illiteracy and the symbolically castrated Blackman?


As simple as it may seem, a major step in the right direction as a new greeting of camaraderie (Friendship) is to stop calling your brothers or sisters Niggers and bitches and say “that is my Joneses.”  I call on major Hip Hop community to introduce this concept into their culture.  Personally I really like some Hip Hop and Rap music, but I am embarrassed by it; I think the term Joneses will sell more records and allow the music to reach more homes.  At least consider it. And most importantly it would create a safer community and brotherly and sisterly love among our youth.

Kanye West Sold to the New Expectation

Kanye and Taylor SwiftKanye West Sold to the New Expectation


What Michael Jackson did with Thriller was an anomaly and it made Thriller the hit it was as Michael makes MVV what it is today.  However there will be no other Thriller album, unless something strange happens in the current music industry.


I like Kanye enjoys Beyonce performances she is a excellent performer and singer, but the problem with the VMA is that it has become an expectation, it is like every year the same people wins all the awards.


I think there should be rule to the amount of awards a person wins unwritten of course, but there are enough awards to go around, and furthermore Beyonce got hers and Taylor Swift fans are also happy and the bottom line is it will sell more records across the industry.


We seem to have turned the VMA into a NBA playoff, instead of what it is a long musical promotional that supports the industry, gives fans a chance to see their favorite artists and find out what new acts and music is out there.  It is an event of festivities to be enjoyed and not to take too seriously. 


You do not know how many times I got upset because Janet came in second or third place in the Grammy’s during the days of Whitney and the rest, but it was all in fun as Janet was just happy to be nominated.  What Kanye did was bad for business and he should be fined for his misbehavior because it should not be tolerated and can cost Taylor record sales.  And the bottom line is record sales.  Beyonce is doing just fine give others a chance.

Published in: on September 14, 2009 at 7:00 am  Leave a Comment  

The Word in the Hollywood Gossip media is!

PaulThe Word in the Hollywood Gossip media is!


In Touch Weekly in an exclusive report, claims Usher Raymond and his wife Tameka Foster are getting divorced and that Usher filed for the divorce on Thursday after living apart for about one year.


According to Stockholm Jazz Festival organizers in hip-hop and R&B singer Lauryn Hill has cancelled all tour date in Europe this summer due to health reasons.  This includes shows in Sweden, Greece, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, France and Austria.

Michael Jackson is facing yet another lawsuit for $20 Million by allGood Entertainment for refusing to join his siblings in one night performance in Texas.  It will be difficult to prove $20 in damages even if Patrick Allocco has a case, being he offered Michael them about $5 Million to perform which is a pretty large profit margin.

Janet Jackson is still working on her new album, due for release in the spring of 2010; I wish her all the luck in the world she can use a break in her slumping career, she has also been offered movie roles.

Alicia Keys and Swizz Beatz are allegedly a couple in a love triangle, but I guess it is all good and is just a matter of paperwork or an excuse for Alicia to not be committed to anyone.  You know being the other woman and all.

Finally, Kenye West and Amber Rose are rumored to have split up, “They are no longer a couple” says the spokesman of Kenye to the New York Post.  Kenye who just made 33 years old recently has allegedly been a relationship with Amber since February 2009 after being seen with her in several occasions, as it was reported by



AIDS Prevention, Birth Control & Underutilized Fame

President Obama Official PortraitAIDS Prevention, Birth Control & Underutilized Fame


I predicted that the cure to AIDS would result in a sexual revolution, but the pharmaceutical companies have taken that into consideration well ahead of time.  AIDS is biological warfare with the intended result to reduce the population of a chosen community of people, you check the statistics and you will know exactly who they are, as long as you understand there is always unintended damage.


What is America’s history of famous people?  Are they the voices for Americans?  What are the expectations we hold on celebrities?  We see them live large or should I say extravagantly and we see the waste as a symbol of power and not weakness.  We hear about contract riders by singers demanding stupidity and think he is a bad man in a good way, when all the time the promoter is hoodwinking the performing in givebacks.  Yet we see power!


Now ask yourself is it power to be silent about important things?  Or is it a sign of a house Negro to play along with the master plotter.  Today’s exciting news is the new ring that can be inserted in a woman to not only prevent AIDS but as a birth control method first.  In other words we will stop killing off black women if they stop having so many damn babies.  Not one person asks can you stop the spread of AIDS now and not 5 years from now, without the condition of birth control.  I mean we are in a state of emergency and we have to wait 5 years for AIDS prevention while the birth control method is tested?  As birth control is justified due to the new economic conditions?


Is it the same old thing, we give black folks voices as long as they talk loud and say nothing, such as I wrote a book but I do not read (Kenye West); Is she pregnant is she not (Janet) Legalize same sex marriages (Black Radio Personality MB on KISS), but no one brings it to the forefront that if you remotely have the possible solution to cease the spread of AIDS how can the FDA not push this through, or is it what it is being promoted as being which is a less evasive form of population control to replace AIDS. Alicia I am calling on you; the question has to be posed all the way to the White House.  President Obama what is the deal?