Frank Paul Jones aka Gambino told he Faces 10 Years on DUI Charge

Frank Paul Jones aka Gambino told he Faces 10 Years on DUI Charge


In my arraignment today, I think I experienced first hand (UPL) unauthorized Practice of Law.  This is a term many of us paralegals learn in college, to prevent us from trying to play lawyer.  It is considered UPL to give legal advice, only a lawyer can do this.  I was told I was facing 10 years behind bars on my DUI charge, because of my prior DUI back in the late 80’s.  With no mention of the clemency I received in 1998 by then Governor Lawton Chiles.  I was told that I should plead bargain because though the legal limit is 0.08, between 0.04 and 0.08 is presumably intoxicated and that it was in the statue, but it was not shown to me.


I felt pressured to plea bargain, however my attorney advice was to show up in court and a plea of not guilty was already made for me.  I felt like I was a victim of the good cop bad cop syndrome.   Because I was told what to do by the office of the Public Defender, but at the same time a paralegal advised me on the law from the same office, in a deniable manner.  She told me what I can do and should do based on information that was guess work.  My lawyer was not present in court today.


The paralegal who is supposed to be on my side made the offer that you would have expected from the State Attorney’s Office.  I find this troubling, because I am a paralegal by education and I felt nervous by this tactic, so can you imagine the pressure felt by the other 7 or 8 people she approached before she approached me.  We were told not to talk to the state attorney, but the Public Defender Paralegal spoke to us in their behalf, negotiating plead bargains.


Yes I might go to jail for writing this article, but like Rev. Jesse Jackson said silence is consent, and he is so right!   If I do not speak up now, about something whereby to speak up puts my butt on the line, in such a small way, what good will I be to the movement when my life may be on the line.


I know I was in misdemeanor court and can get no more than one year of jail time, I graduated on the top of my class.  I am not stupid.  But they might come after me with something different for bucking the system.  But it was so unprofessional and unethical that I and many people less educated people than I had to face the judge and the state attorney without a lawyer present.  How can a judge accept a guilty plea by a person who has no lawyer present to advise him/her on the right they have to be presumed innocent until proven guilty?


I pleaded non guilty and have a pre trial conference on 20 September 2010.  What is next?  Oprah Winfrey, AL Sharpton, Jesse Jackson or someone who attracts media attention has to come here. What is going on here is only written about in fictional movies, it is so unreal.

The New Christian Movement Lacks Agenda

The New Christian Movement Lacks Agenda


The Christians of the new millennium are classier than ever.  I remember when preachers basically could not read the scripture they preached about.  The taught out of the Old King Version Bible, not understanding the language as many of them were illiterate to this language teaching those who were also illiterate to old English. Sort of like the stupid leading the blind.  They did a song and dance routine and the best performer won over the largest congregations.  This was the story of small town USA.


Meanwhile there was always powerful nationally creditable leaders who gained the support and backing of these underhanded fellowships.  They were the people who came to these small towns with the national media and large parades, they were known as civil rights leaders but really they were Grand Marshalls or were they the Drum Majors of the marching bands?  The marching bands were called churches.


Today Christians have no movement.  When the marching bands were once the church congregations today everyone is a producer.  Therefore with electronic technology the band members have been outsourced by the Personal Computer “PC.”  This is a literal fact.  We communicate not at mass gatherings, but as independent contractors via the internet.  I can get 1,000, 2,000 or even 3,000 reads on any given day and on the average monthly.  But can I produce that many people in one gathering on any given day for a specific cause?


Today ministers and reverends are not as employable as they once was, because there are simply too many people in the business of leadership yet they are not taking the initiative to lead any agenda that is sufficient.  When I say sufficient I mean something that will attract people to a realistic activity that will make a difference.  I mean sure Minister Farrakhan produced the million man march, however today it is mere conversation piece of a historic event. 


We have too many intelligent chiefs that are independent of each other and there is not enough Grand Marshalls and Drum Majors to unite them I one place for one event.  Meaning we have too many producers and not enough band members, as the producers compete without showing up anywhere with there artists who do voiceovers without employing a band.  Or should it be said simply we do not gather in one place for any significant purposes.


We have become intellectual mummies.  We have become the sleeping dead.  We have become inactive. With AIDS killing millions of people; with drugs on the streets in epidemic proportions as well in the black community; with the wars in the Middle East while people in our community are homeless and starving in America; as mortgage foreclosures are on the rise and a depressing economy; while prescription drugs worth thousands are handed to the poor  to mood control to include myself; but little financial support is addressed the cause of the mood disorder because that is welfare for the poor; but handing people $40G in prescription drugs a year  is not considered corporate welfare it is called helping the perishing.  Yet the world has created the monster I have become.  “I hate this world and those who rule it” says the poor and for that you we are prescribe drugs?   Because I am hungry, homeless, without food, clothing and shelter you prescribe me drugs.  And President Obama this is on your watch, yes it is!  


I say there is something really wrong with the picture here.  So-called Christians have become too classy when the foundation is humility. Christians badly need a new plan of action, instead of being lazy waiting on the Lord, who is already here?





Music Industry so big it is small in Mindset

Music Industry so big it is small in Mindset


When I was a youngster there was a band on at least every block.  I had a band and so did my friend across the street.  I played the bass guitar and other bass guitarist would practice with me as we taught each other different songs.  Then came the DJ era and we used some of the equipment like the bass speakers for booming sounds and started mixing music at the park.  It was all fun in the Bridge aka the Queensbridge Projects, in Long Island City, New York.  Times have sure changed; today the new trend is everyone is a Producer.  Home Studios are reasonably priced now and can produce professional sounds.


Have you ever checked out  Some people have as many as 35,000 fans, most of who are bands and artist themselves.  There seem to be as many artists as there are buyers these days.  I predicted a couple of years ago that this would happen.  The people making money in the industry are the people that supply the real demand and that are not the final production of music.  Meaning the money is in selling music production software and hardware and not CD’s.


The money is being made by people like Steinberg, Propellerheads, Pro Tools, Sony and Apple and so on.  People like ReverbNation and Tune-core and the like are making a killing.  Meanwhile the world is coming to an end.  I had to add that.


Times have certainly changed; I remember movements like the Black Panthers, the Nation of Islam (Black Muslim Movement) and even the 5 percenters.  We were politically involved and cared about our neighborhoods and the world.  Then we had things like summer jobs and social programs and at worst a war in Vietnam.  Today the whole damn world is at crisis and the youth is not engaged what so ever.  I wonder if they even watch the news anymore.


What does all this have to do with music?  Music is supposed to be a means of communications.  The Urban sound should represent the reality of the urban areas, we should have more to say than Niggers this and Bitches that and how much dope money a fool has, but it is not the case.  When people like Jay Z and Lil Wayne gets paid millions to speak and people like Farrakhan, Jackson and Sharpton has to literally beg at a civil rights events to pay for security, something is wrong.  Why is this?  Is the younger generation is plain stupid?  Our leaders of the community are out of touch?  I do not have the answer to this!  I just know we are sleeping as we are being slaughtered literally.  Maybe Jimmy Jam should produce our activists and leaders? 


I just know the world is coming to an end.  The prison population is crazy for blacks. Yet we have this outlet called music whereby few are making any substantial money anyway, yet we are selling our souls replicating people with big contracts.  The people with huge contracts have to sell lollipop music because they are owned by big corporate businesses, however people on and ReverbNation can promote real issues, because they are not making anything anyway, so at least they can help remedy the problems we are faced with and that is the argument of the day.  Stop talking loud and saying nothing, while your neighbor is dying and you are starving in the industry you are not welcomed to be a part of.


Why kiss the ass that shits in your face?

Can Oprah be trusted?

Everybody has demonsCan Oprah be trusted?


In April 2009 NaQuila appealed to Oprah in confidence about things that were very personal.  In November 2009 NaQuila and I got into a relationship that soon became very public as we decided to go after the bright lights and glimmer known as Hollywood.


So after the or should I say recently certain clicks developed that seemed to be an alliance forged based on information that may have been of interest to third parties.  As Oprah started hanging out with Tyler Perry who is very close to Janet Jackson; it is old news that I had a thing for Janet over the years and finally let go. OK enough of the building up to the point.


We all know Tyler Perry is most likely gay, but to each is his/her own.  I am not hating on either Janet or Tyler, but I also have my ambitions, such as the release of my CD done recently as an introduction to the CD we will release by NaQuila.  We have a screenplay to get into production and Tyler is in position to help or hurt that progress as well as Janet and Oprah. Nobody is trying to create friction in Hollywood, but we are not roaches to be exterminated either.


The letter sent to Oprah was very confidential and from the heart concerning traumatic events that NaQuila had to endure.  Please read this article!


Lil Wayne Sexual Predator


Not long after this article strange things begun to happen.  Personally I think Tyler is an excellent movie director, Oprah is the Queen of media and Janet may well have been the Queen of Pop, but NaQuila deserves her turn to shine.  As in the Movie screenplay “Everybody has Demons” the slogan “Nobody’s perfect,” applies to us all.  But life goes on and absolution of our transgressors is about spiritual growth.  As in life sometimes we have to let go and let God.


Personally I think we should not get too personal.  Whatever was in that letter should be held secret and if the beans were spilled already then like an occult it should remain in that circle.  It should remain private until NaQuila and only NaQuila wishes for it to be released.  And Oprah must remember she is responsible to a higher authority as we all are.



Gambino says Thank you all

Gambino says Thank you all


Word on the streets is NaQuila judgment was to complete and anger management class.


First of all, I want to thank the Honorable Judge Anthony L. Ritenour for being a fair Judge and Defense Attorney Marion J. Moorman for doing a fine job.  Justice was serve for the assurance of peaceful lifestyles and I think before NaQuila blows up totally in Hollywood and has to take on the responsibility of people (children) simply due to celebrity status and content of material should address certain issues first.  I think this was a good decision not to punish but to take corrective actions.


Most importantly I want to thank the politicians, entertainment celebrities and civil rights leaders of the highest honors.  I want to name many of the people specifically and thank them for carrying our request for help by posting the article about my plea on behalf of NaQuila.


Thank you First lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, President Jimmy Carter, President George H.W. Bush, President George W. Bush and President Bill Clinton and Mayor of New York City and a friend at heart Michael Bloomberg and I say to President I am sorry if I offend you, because you do not carry my work.


I want to thank Minister Louis Farrakhan especially for showing such a strong concern and for delivering such a strong message on such a timely moment in my life.  Thank you Rev. Jesse Jackson and I hope you find it in your heart to seal the alliance between you all, as Minister Farrakhan made the first step in a healing process for the world and thank you Reverend Al Sharpton the most active of the three in the public arena.   


The list goes on and you all know who you are in California and New York City, and I feel the reception in Hollywood.  Let me name these people because they are all powerhouses and deserve special recognition.


Thank you, P. Diddy, Damon Dash, Jermaine Dupri, Aaliyah, Monica, Victoria Gotti, Lil Wayne, Missy Elliot, Mariah Carey, Beyonce, John A. Gotti an up and coming writer, actor and entertainment manager, Ice T, Steve Harvey, DL. Hughley and my God thank me.  Lol!  A few people did not carry this article like Janet and Alicia, the people who I wrote mostly for in the past, but no problem!  It is all good! 


I hope I mentioned everyone, but there are more, like how can I forget the best basketball player of all time after Kareem being Magic Johnson.  Maybe stem cell research might allow us to see them both at their prime again and watch them play on the same time.  Lol!


Thank you all! 




How to Pay Frank Paul Gambino Productions

You Think I AM Bad But I’M NotHow to Pay Frank Paul Gambino Productions


Buy Directly from Capstone Zulu

Click Hyperlink Above



I am an artist and a real gangster, such so I think often I am above the law, being I am the Son of Man.  To the point:


How do you pay me?  You buy my music rather you like it or not, it will school you on a higher plan.  Most of my music is about instruction and guidance.  I consider myself a teacher and is an Ordained Minister.


Every crew should include an Ordained Minister, because this allows for a reason for felons who are on parole a venue to congregate.  I was the Chaplain for the pride of Avon Local Lodge 462. Now I am the President of the National Community Network and Coalition of Highlands, INC




Here is a rare photo of my father Bishop Frank Clark Jones and me as a little boy.  He died in 1989 of natural causes/


As I have been busy, sort of like a one man band, friends and family are starting to pick up the slack allowing me to do some overdue paperwork.  We have tax exempt status on of commercial propertiesin our county.  Now we are about to apply for a 501 c 3 status and then a Florida sales tax exemption status.


Then will ask for charitable donations to renovate our properties so we can open the doors to the community.  More information on how to donate will be made available in the near future.  Part of the process of the 501 c 3 is to document your web site, we have to create one.

Opportunities Entertaining the Military

Opportunities Entertaining the Military


Everybody thinks that the only thing the military has to offer is work on the front line of war.  But little does a lot of people realize all the opportunities the military offers such as product sponsorship as well as your product on their shelves, I mean AAFES is a multi-billion dollar corporation.  Check out the hyperlink below.


Who is AAFES they are big money a must read:


Another opportunity wants to mention is the opportunity to tour the world and different levels of celebrity status and popularity.  Check out the hyperlink below and the short summery as well.


Who is the USO a must read for musical artist:

USO Tour Information at a Glance

Q: I am an entertainer who wishes to participate in USO shows. How do I apply?


A: We take pride in our ability to deliver some of America’s most popular and well-known celebrities around the world to the troops. USO tours can vary from a one-off to a complete tour with multiple destinations. The USO can also work with artists who may have available dates within their existing tours. USO celebrity status is not necessarily defined by experience of level of professionalism, but rather as a performer that has name recognition with the military members and families for who, they perform or visit. We also qualify celebrity status based on coverage in entertainment trade magazines like Billboard and Variety and as those seen on MTV, BET, CMT, etc. If you feel that you or the artist you represent meets these criteria, we look forward to discussing the possibility of a USO tour. Please send your press kit via e-mail to the Entertainment/Recruiting Assistant or materials can be mailed to:

Attn: Entertainment/Recruiting Assistant
USO Headquarters
2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1200
Arlington, VA 22201

Non-Celebrity Entertainment

The USO realizes that there are many experienced professional entertainers seeking an audience with the troops that may not yet qualify for “celebrity” status. We encourage you to contact Armed Forces Entertainment (AFE). AFE is the single point of contact in the Department of Defense, for professional non-celebrity entertainment supporting our service members overseas. You can find more information about AFE on their Web site, or contact their offices at 1-800-458-0868.

Good luck and thank you for supporting our men and women in uniform.

The World is about to end?

The World is about to end?


BP for British Petroleum and is this a great sleeper.  First there was Haiti, was it an underwater bomb that took down Haiti?  Now we have this oil explosion 1 ½ miles below the sea.  I heard something about 5,000 barrels times 42 = Gallons per day being spilled admittedly.  These are the signs of the end of the times.


Is the world coming to an end or has it ended already and now the vision must take place.  I just want to go over something I said before.  A great prophet is not a seer   of the future, but a great designer and it is the people’s greatness that will determine if the prophesies is fulfilled.  We the people have to stop this handful of people out to destroy the world; because they know there time is up.


While we are forced to focus on this crap about the Gambino Crime Family and Wall Street they are killing potentially tens of millions of people.  The Devil is a mean spirited serpent.  Wars and more Wars, no more drug wars, a very weak economy, while millions upon millions, no billions upon billions of dollars sit in duffel bags, inside walls like insulation in Mexican Mansions, but people cannot eat because there is no money.


Now will there be a sea food contamination wide spread throughout the world?  Will people die on the coasts from new cancers 5 years from now?  Our coastlines have they been poisoned over time and can they stop the spill in the first place?  Or should we say will they stop it, not even assuming they can!  Hell they might tell us it is stopped to calm the world, meanwhile the spill continues until dooms day.  Hell that is to say this is only a month in the making?  


We need comments on this subject to inform people tuned into entertainment fantasies.


These are the words of Capstone Zulu


The Zulus travelled North and those who travelled East got lost.

NaQuila Prepares for Album Release

NaQuila Prepares for Album Release


Paul proposed a deal & NaQuila requested a continuance. 


NaQuila a resilient woman with so much on the plate regains focus.  There are so many details that have to be worked out.  I think the mistake a lot of producer’s and artist’s relationships make is to allow personal feelings to get in the way of business.  That is why Jermaine Dupri and Janet Jackson could not create a new hit.  I will not make the same mistake with NaQuila


It is my opinion that NaQuila, whom is the “Q” of 2020, has an opportunity to explode into the stratosphere if she does not abandon ship.   On court documents NaQuila musical genre was referred to as Pop/Political a new genre recognized by Homeland Security as a new way to reach and influence young minds. 


Not all politically popular music is USA friendly or God friendly, NaQuila is both.  With the mention of truth as the foundation to song structure the album sends out a strong message.  The Capstone Zulu BETA Project has been very informative, as it is moving up the charts prior to its actual release.


NaQuila on the other hand is a performer by song, dance and acting.  There are several options out there for her highly anticipated release in the political arena.  There is a possible world tour through the USO, doing GI night clubs and local venues.  There are so many opportunities open to her as she has gained celebrity status before her actual release through controversial blogs in a strong network.


Everything is in place as NaQuila is getting active again, losing weight, under pressure to act and being prepared for the long and lonely road called working in the music industry.  There will be lonely nights in the hotel, constant traveling and late nights under tight security.  Because the stuff she is singing about is going to raise eyebrows.  


Frank Paul Gambino Productions

Time for Business

Time for Business


Sometimes being unselfish seems to others as you coming off selfishly.  With that I say this:


Worshipful Master Roberts died in Mid-November of 2009.  He was my mother’s brother and my uncle of course.  I moved to Avon Park, Florida soon after like the next day.  I was the last person he spoke to it was over the phone.  I was in New York City and he was in Florida.  Prior to this I made him promises that I am ready to fulfill now. I will do community work!  May God motivate me? 


I feel like I was in the twilight zone and am awakening from a deep sleep.  But understand “the meek will inherit the earth,” so it is written.  I did pretty damn good so far, but could have done a little better.  Where am I going with this & again it is about NaQuila?


I committed myself to her project for over 5 months consecutively and exclusively.  We got into a deep relationship however the focus got away from the music and became an argument.  That is not good at all!  We spent more time arguing over bullshit, than music production, promotion and marketing- sales combined.  Sometimes a woman wants to wear the pants and kill the soul of a man and regardless to her past or the reasons it is wrong.


I intentionally calculated my financial ruin for a short period that was prolonged do to the economy, timing and constant arguments.  And I am sorry but this has to be corrected.  And that goes to being unselfish.  I put out an album to test or as I put it I did it in BETA mode.  I did it for NaQuila, to test the market for her release, and for what a damn argument about its contents?  I have to take care of business without these distractions.  My album is good but that is nothing for a great artist and writer.


I am a businessman and I have to keep the focus, I cannot afford to bug out over nonsense, it may sound insensitive but it is not it is real.  Let me mention a scripture that I really dig and is very relevant.


Col 2:17 These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ. 

Col 2:18 Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you for the prize. Such a person goes into great detail about what he has seen, and his unspiritual mind puffs him up with idle notions.


My point is that reality is in Christ and Christ is not voodoo.  We have to remain focused and do the right thing always and never be arrogant.  We must always show love even if our heart aches.  Though true love can seem like tough love, but understand; “for the love of God is always first.” (Paul)