NaQuila Likes Monster Red

NaQuila Likes Monster Red


With Energy drinks on the surge as many youths use it as an aphrodisiac (Intensifies sexual desires) and as we know in the music industry sex sells.  There is a big campaign between Red Bull and Monster Energy Drinks to start a huge rivalry in a limit partnership. 


Red Bull and Monster Energy Drinks are siding up with many Pop artists in a huge campaign to make Red Bull and Monster in the energy drinks market what Coke and Pepsi is in the soft drinks market.  .


We are hoping to get sponsorship from Monster, because it is our choice of energy drinks.  Monster is basically the same thing as Red Bull meaning it works the same, however Monster give you double the bang for your buck.  They are both equally quality drinks and the goal is to make consumers choose between the two as they corner the market with hop Hip Hop Commercials on stations like MTV, BET, VH1 and Nationwide Radio Airplay  that caters to the consumer group targeted by this campaign.

Be my Joneses

The G UmbrellaBe my Joneses


It was said that it is not so much important as to what goes into your mouth but what comes out of it, which is a maker of your character.  A very good word historically used as a negative connotation is Joneses meaning basically neighbor.  It is a saying to “keep up with the Joneses.”  Suggesting that you be in competition with your next door neighbor, sort of like they by a fence and you buy a more expensive fence, they buy a car and you buy a better car.


But in actuality the term Joneses is a friendly and non competitive term.  I call on the Hip Hop community to replace the terms “Nigger” and “bitch” with “Joneses.”  I call on them to say in there songs “be my Joneses.”  Because like Rev. AL Sharpton said, you are what you say you are.


Let us bring back a community to raise a child mentality and be truly neighbors and not allow ourselves to just simply be victims on the system.  A change in mentality is in our grasp, we can determine our destiny, by changing how we speak and therefore changing how we think.


It is like the new Mafia is a non profit organization for the betterment of our communities and not a self destructives movement of surviving by any means, because we are packed in the projects like sardines.  We have to address our circumstances and the situations we are facing such as the expansion of prisons, wars around the world and the AIDS pandemic; single parenthood, illiteracy and the symbolically castrated Blackman?


As simple as it may seem, a major step in the right direction as a new greeting of camaraderie (Friendship) is to stop calling your brothers or sisters Niggers and bitches and say “that is my Joneses.”  I call on major Hip Hop community to introduce this concept into their culture.  Personally I really like some Hip Hop and Rap music, but I am embarrassed by it; I think the term Joneses will sell more records and allow the music to reach more homes.  At least consider it. And most importantly it would create a safer community and brotherly and sisterly love among our youth.

Is life a war and who killed the Rappers?

cripsIs life a war and who killed the Rappers?


To: President Barak Obama

From: Frank Paul Gambino Productions

Date: 1 February 2009


Mercury, planet of the mind, appears to be at a standstill in the heavens on your birthday, which suggests that your thinking on one particular issue has become too fixed. Let go of preconceived opinions and inherited biases. Open your mind to new possibilities.

Venus, planet of love and harmony, leaves your birth sign on Tuesday, and Mars, planet of ambition and aggression, moves into the most sensitive area of your chart on Wednesday. What does that mean? It means you must watch how you react. Life is not a war.

Is life a war?


I do not know but the screenplay the Apostle is full of violence and underhanded bullshit and it a true account of my life.  It seems like life was a war when I was the victim but now that my turn is coming and vengeance is the Lord’s we want to change the rules.  Since when did human kind have world peace?  I agree that life should not be a war, but is it really?  The only way to overt the war to come is repentance and some people are simply too proud to do this.  Like I always say you will cry out to the Lord about what you spread on Earth or pay for it perhaps with your life.  A man accused me of being very angry; I ask were I given a reason to feel differently?


The under the veil Super Bowl Party a success of failure?


It does not look like the Under the Veil Super Bowl Party was all it was billed to be, they say Janet Jackson, Jamie Foxx and Vivica Fox were no shows as of 1:00 am the night of the party.  I guess people are tired of being used by Jermaine Dupri?  I heard some football player was the first to show up to auction things for the charity that is for single parents; I thought it was for sick children; I guess they help child who are sick for single parent homes?.


Who Killed the Rappers?


You know now that I think about it the movie “Notorious” was strange it depicts Biggy Smalls as a man with a death wish.  He tells his own story until death in that screenplay.  Everyone wants to know who kill them, but that story was told and it went through one ear and out of the other, I guess now they have to wait for the movie Apostle to get the answers.  Actually if a person has the ability to look between the lines the movie “Notorious” answers the question, provided you paid attention to my blogs.  Someone did something very wrong to someone that set off the whole situation that led to the demise of the two that got killed and it was not Topac getting robbed and I will leave it at that.  Search for the truth!  With two historical facts and one hint any bird could fly this one.

Breaking News about Circuit City Retailer

Breaking News about Circuit City Retailer


Circuit City is under liquidation and has falling under closing all 567 stores as over 34,000 become unemployed.  This is bad news for everyone except for Sears, K-Mart, and Wal-Mart and Best Buy.  They are the survivors and will probably profit from this sad event. This may have a domino effect because these are now 567 vacant retail buildings in prime locations, something has to replace circuit City at these locations so the unemployment line may not be for long for the many 34,000 who will lose there jobs. This has to be a sad day in America in just the second day of the Obama Administration.  Wall Street has to be saying what the retail REIT’s is going on.


The scoop of the day is Janet is in contract negotiations and Michael (Jackson) plans to release his long awaited album in 2009 and both will tour and hopefully together.  The “Notorious,” (Biggie Smalls) Movie made over $20 Million the first weekend and it may seem like something out of a fairy tale but yes we do have a black president whose hands are certainly full as you can see from the article above.


Frank Paul Gambino

Published in: on January 22, 2009 at 10:08 pm  Comments (1)