NaQuila Hardy aka Stackz Gotti to Reopen Rib Shack 2

NaQuila Hardy aka Stackz Gotti to Reopen Rib Shack 2


Formerly known as The Rib Shack the local soul food restaurant owned by the Hardy Family here in Avon Park, FL; is in the process of being reopened. The torch is being passed down to a daughter of the soul food tycoon.  Joe Hardy decides to pass on the torch of the hometown favorite soul food restaurant to his daughter NaQuila Hardy aka Stackz Gotti who by the way is about to release her first album distributed by ReverbNation with an outlet of several retailers to include iTunes, Napster and even Wal-Mart (liquid) plus others such as Zune, Rhapsody and many more.  Currently, the album is available for presales at the Stackz Gotti store on ReverbNation.  One of her stores is located on the Capstone Zulu Website.


NaQuila Hardy aka Stackz Gotti has recently been included into the Zimbio Interactive Magazine, where you find the celebrities latest news and issues.  She is among names such as Frank Paul Jones, John A Gotti, Victoria Gotti, Oprah, Ice T, Charles Rangel, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton.  Congratulations to Stackz Gotti’s newly developed celebrity statuses.


Due to a disability the Rib Shack a family business closed down temporarily and most things are still intact.  The old business was a big success as it was known for its excellent Barbeque Sauce which is a family recipe and tightly held secret.  The name Rib Shack will be used as the trade secrets will be shared and passed down to NaQuila.  However NaQuila has an additional plan that was considered in the past but not commenced into action, such as the possibility of putting the famous BBQ sauce on the local store shelves?    However for starts it might only be available at the Rib Shack 2 Restaurant in limited quantity.


A community resident approached NaQuila Hardy aka Stackz Gotti and asked her, “When are you’ll going to open up the restaurant again we sure miss that good eating.”  Then said “and girl that Barbeque Sauce why you’ll don’t put it in a jar?”  The word is that Joe Hardy has the recipe stashed away in a safe place and is ready to put the “Original Rib Shack BBQ Sauce,” on the market.  With the expansion of the famous Western Beef Supermarket headed south a Gambino enterprise, being added to the shelves of Western Beef would be an excellent partnership.


Frank Paul Gambino reporting: 





Contacts California Weed Connections

Contacts California Weed Connections

 The Song “The Consumer” By: Stackz Gotti

On Tuesday 2 November 2010, elections day in California they vote on Proposition 19.  Whatever the case for political analysts they will legalize Marijuana and help change and save the world on President Obama’s term in office.


I need to know how much the staff sells for; it should be plentiful all over the country.  You figure Crips and Bloods will transport all over the Nation to help save the California economy.    Florida just legalized same sex adoptions and is becoming more liberal.  With a new influx of Puerto Ricans educated at the age of about 24 to 45 at a number of 700,000 and counting, elections will have a New York City influence.  Weed will be legal in Florida in less than 2 years by special elections.


I want to go into the marijuana business and have a Federal Felony conviction.  My concern is we who fought to legalize weed by selling it even when it was illegal, not me but you know, will be excluded from the legal marijuana trade.


Crips and Bloods will profit on the short run by trafficking weed nationwide out of LA.  This will be ignored in California law enforcement making it possible to conceal it before getting on the road with weed.  For example people in fruit and other trucking related industries will move large packages of weed out of California by nature of the legalized drug itself.


My concern is that Pall Mall and Newport’s will conquer the longevity of the trade unless we grow our own weed in marijuana plantations legally.  People like Ice T and Snoop Dogg must purchase land to plant weed in the future, or do it now legally or the law is oppressive to the black man’s long term adjustment to the legalization.


That said tell me about the marijuana industry.



Aged Old Headstone found in Yard

To: The Florida Tribune

From writer: Frank Paul Gambino


Aged Old Headstone found in Yard


Rev. Frank Paul Jones and his cousin John W. Moss; while working in the yard cleaning up in preparation of the opening of the Blue Temple the headquarters of the NCNCHINC; found old headstone.  The name on the headstone is being held under wraps, while the location of the body remains are being sought after.  The headstone belonged to someone who was born in 1874 and died in 1980.


The committee over the grave yard is doing everything to in their power to remedy the situation.  However the ledger identifying the sites burial locations is owned by the Jones Family as an inheritance for the life work of Eston E. L. Roberts, who was the Worshipful Master of the Prince Hall Masons here in Avon Park, FL.  And care taker of the burial site.


The family feels the pain of the people here in Highlands County that do not know where the remains of their loved ones are.  However, the family found that $7,000.00 that was earned through the Hard Labor of Eston E. L. Roberts is missing.  This is money he promised to his nephew as startup capital, to continue his operations.


The family came to the consciences that if the money is return, the rightful owners being the Jones family and the City of Avon Park agrees to treat blacks like whites and hold their burial grounds sacred and pay the Family $1,300.00 per months as white cemeteries receive, they will continue the work of Eston E. L. Roberts and maintain the cemetery.


Rev. Jones said “fine we are in the cemetery business it is our duty to the community.”  Both of his parents and grandparents where buried at what will be named the Eston E. L. Roberts cemetery?  Justifiably named as he like Adam was told from God, without comparison he told Avon Park there is your mother and there are your father gravesites.  We have to know this information and it will be shared when the family inheritance is put back in tack.    Eston E.L. Roberts did a fine thing and should be remembered.   

The Almost Completed Capstone Zulu Family Web Sites

The Almost Completed Capstone Zulu Family Web Sites

 World Affairs

The hyperlinks below will redirect you to our official sites, where you can hear our music and have a thought provoking extravaganza. 


Capstone Zulu Official Website


NaQuila Hardy aka Stackz Gotti Official Web Site


Signed Capstone Zulu

Capstone Zulu and Prophetess NaQuila News Flash

Capstone Zulu and Prophetess NaQuila Breaking News Flash


Capstone Zulu and prophetess NaQuila are on the verge of making a mark on entertainment.  The world is about to be introduced to a totally new way of entertaining.  The issues nobody dares to touch in fear of being called crazy they daringly expose.


Check out a couple of webs:


Capstone Zulu’s Official Coming soon Website:


Stackz Gotti Official Coming Soon Website   

NaQuila Buzz out of Capstone Zulu Camp

NaQuila Buzz out of Capstone Zulu Camp

The Song – FindCure-CureAIDS 

NaQuila Hardy aka Stackz Gotti, officially requested the blessings of the Gotti family, in the use of the infamous name.  John J. Gotti was a powerful influence in my life and not all is good.  However, not all is bad with a wider measure.


Stackz Gotti introduces to the game, something very hard to find in this market, controlled by the Gay Mob.  Female Gotti exposes the Illuminati with very controversial lyrics.  The beats are funky to the ole school degree.  However the message is not the beat but what is being said, through smooth vocals by NaQuila.


At this moment we are preparing the Web sites, both for Capstone Zulu and Stackz Gotti.  We are hoping on a calculated risk that distribution for the project will be generous.  We plan to distribute via internet MP-3 downloads and by CD, to be found in an exclusive store, distribution is on the table.


What is the Stackz Gotti relevance?  The lyrics are very controversial and provocative.  It is the scratching of the surface then you are like with hop pepper juice, and you find yourself burning and out of control.


With songs such as;


Not on my computer, just living life, People Crying (Colors), the Consumer, Played, the album “I am me,” is an up-tempo cool out series of entertaining and thought provoking tones.  It is worth the listen.  “Dig!”


NaQuila “I love you!”


Capstone Zulu

New Affordable Housing in Avon Park & the Blackout

New Affordable Housing in Avon Park & the Blackout


Originally the pre-development loan program was estimated at about $7M for 40 units of affordable housing at Central Avenue and Winthrop and the name of the project is North Central Heights.  However from inside information I received there will be 76 units built at North Central Heights.


There will be 2 and 3 bedrooms of single family housing.  It is located over there by Bagwell’s Lumber.  The units are walking distance from Main Street.


The housing units are under the development team of Judd K. Roth and I am not clear on who are the contractors.  However, my concern is with who will be hired to build these units and who will be privileged to live in them.  Will there be another blackout?


I do not want to sound like I am anti Hispanic, but the Puerto Ricans all but took over Lakeside Community.  They are at the rent office, they are in the housing dwellings and they are the workers, and that is not fair, because they do not have the history of the building up of Avon Park, Florida.


Sure Mexicans pick the fruit today and Puerto Ricans, I do not know what they do, but who carried the burden of Avon Park for the last 100 years?  Now development is coming to town and we are left out.  I mean what happened to equal housing opportunity?


As a black economic rights activist I say we must have our fair share of this project.  We must be counting from the inception of this project, from employment in its construction to the rent office, to housing dwellings to year around jobs.  Black people must stand up now while the getting in is possible.  Because as Highlands County grows so will, the real estate prices will increase and with that homelessness for not standing up for equal housing now.  I mean what is the plan, to import more Puerto Ricans from Puerto Rico, meanwhile we are here already and homeless.  It is not fair!


So what is the deal, we give black single parents with children homelessness, the black man prison and the Puerto Ricans affordable housing?  That is racist and not telling it like it is!

NaQuila the Monster Cliché Originator

NaQuila the Monster Cliché Originator

 The Song People Crying (Colors)

NaQuila aka Stackz Gotti performed the song People Crying, using the term Monster by doing so associating the monster energy drink with Hip Hop culture.  In the song it mentions the Bloods and Crips and the colors red and blue as favorite (symbolic) colors of these two street gangs. 


The song was meant to crossover as a commercial for Monster Energy Drink, as many of her songs really go into detail about its themes this one plays with (touches on) many ideas about what people in general are going through today due to the economic downturn. 


Now Lady Gaga and Kanye West are using the term and many other Hollywood acts are lining up to cash in on the new slogan.  However the real intention of the use of the term was not gangster as it associated itself with street gangs in People Crying. 


It was meant to start a new revelry in a friendly nature, without people killing each other.  The stage was being setup for a Red Bull verse Monster Energy Drink commercial campaign,  Similar to coke verse Pepsi, the idea was that there are really only two choices for real energy drinkers which is Red Bull or the many colors of Monster Energy Drinks.


The term Monster was meant to be all in fun to create a market for the Hip Hoppers to market themselves in commercial jingles.  Hopefully Jay Z , Rick Ross, Nicki Manaj and Bon Iver, might read this article and like Lady Gaga and NaQuila aka Stackz Gotti, bring back the fun in the term.  Because kids need something to laugh about and energy drinks for teens is legal unlike alcohol.


The energy drink market is estimated to be about 6 billion dollars annually.  Therefore there is much rum for a powerful marketing campaign for market share.  It is only a matter of time before the real players in the market battle it out for market share.  My bet is it will be Monster and Red Bull.

Gambino’s Blue Temple Vision

Gambino’s Blue Temple Vision


Once known as the blue house for Prince Hall Freemasons, renamed the blue temple, by Rev. Frank Paul Jones, it will be a place of unification.  It will be the center of intelligence for the communities of Highlands County.  As place where sinners to saints, clergy to politicians, the wealthy and poor and it doesn’t matter if you are black or white.  If you want to help advance Highlands County and make it a better place we want your input.


Downstairs will be a state of the art, DAW recording studio, where Gambino Productions will perform their magic.  Producing mostly, Pop, R&B, Hip Hop, Gospel and Inspirational music, in an attempt to help the youth pursue their dreams.  Because we believe dream chasing bring about longevity.  When people have hope for a tomorrow; they tend to be patient today.  And it was written that the meek will inherit the earth.  We want to “Keep Hope Alive!”


Also downstairs in the two story headquarters building, a social club will be located.  Worshipful Master Roberts and Uncle of Rev. Jones, always told the Reverend that what the black community lacks is a social club, where people can come together, congregate, socialize and plot and devise a plan for economic growth.  That is what The National Community Network and Coalition of Highlands, INC., foundation is all about building a better community.  And we know so well that it is no longer about a civil rights movement, but about an economic independence movement.


Upstairs will be a place for us to meet in confidentially; where a publishing company will also exist under the banner of NCNCHINC?  It will be our mission to bring the community together for the betterment of Highlands County first than the Nation and the world, as we believe our solutions are the Template to Nationwide economic stability.  As we will bring together the best of the best, who will form into the noble elite, community intelligence to advise the local, state and federal governments and businesses on the black state of affairs.


The Mission


To build a better community, by organizing the best and most suitable constituents within society, who are willing to do community work!  By establishing committees and subcommittees and bringing them to the social club of made men and women to tackle the problems that plague the communities at large and the world.  We are the central intelligence and network of brotherly love.  


Our Web Site is under Construction


A Statement about my credentials:


People say bad things about me; they say I am not this or that in terms of righteousness.  I am the living Apostle Paul in the new millennium.  And together we can do great things.  We need your support at NCNCHINC!

If you would like to donate please send your donations to:


Rev. Frank Paul Jones

917 South A Avenue

Avon Park, FL. 33825


Help us save the world!

NCNCHINC Web Site under Construction

NCNCHINC Web Site under Construction


The National Community Network and Coalition of Highlands, INC; known by the acronym NCNCHINC, has a new Web Site under construction.  Led by the Rev. Frank Paul Jones, the organization has unique characteristics.



The National Community Network and Coalition of Highlands, INC. is organized as a community network and coalition in support for Military Veterans, the Youth and elderly, single parents with and without children, to prevent recidivism and for businesses in order to bring about community betterment and social improvement for the greater community at-large.



The Mission


To build a better community, by organizing the best and most suitable constituents within society, who are willing to do community work!  By establishing committees and subcommittees and bringing them to the social club of made men and women to tackle the problems that plague the communities at large and the world.  We are the central intelligence and network of brotherly love.  




The National Community Network & Coalition of Highlands, INC is about delivering better community leadership, by assembling the best of the best, from the clergy to politicians, from everyday people to the extraordinarily successful and from sinners to saints, understanding we all fall short of God’s glory and there is good in us all.


As our purpose is vast we are the communications central of the community, bringing together people who are concerned about the state of the neighborhood and want to help address them.  We are an advocacy group, who is out to promote better communities by addressing and tackling problems as they occur.  And we are proactive as we actual help people with situations as they are brought to our attention.


In addition to our advocacy initiative which is so important to African Americans and the community at large, we will offer the neighboring musical talents opportunities to explore the music industry with a class A DAW recording studio and publishing company for aspiring writers.  The record company and publishing company are just the initial business ventures of NCNCHINC.  It is our goal to expand and focus on many business opportunities in order to promote a better community.