Can Oprah be trusted?

Everybody has demonsCan Oprah be trusted?


In April 2009 NaQuila appealed to Oprah in confidence about things that were very personal.  In November 2009 NaQuila and I got into a relationship that soon became very public as we decided to go after the bright lights and glimmer known as Hollywood.


So after the or should I say recently certain clicks developed that seemed to be an alliance forged based on information that may have been of interest to third parties.  As Oprah started hanging out with Tyler Perry who is very close to Janet Jackson; it is old news that I had a thing for Janet over the years and finally let go. OK enough of the building up to the point.


We all know Tyler Perry is most likely gay, but to each is his/her own.  I am not hating on either Janet or Tyler, but I also have my ambitions, such as the release of my CD done recently as an introduction to the CD we will release by NaQuila.  We have a screenplay to get into production and Tyler is in position to help or hurt that progress as well as Janet and Oprah. Nobody is trying to create friction in Hollywood, but we are not roaches to be exterminated either.


The letter sent to Oprah was very confidential and from the heart concerning traumatic events that NaQuila had to endure.  Please read this article!


Lil Wayne Sexual Predator


Not long after this article strange things begun to happen.  Personally I think Tyler is an excellent movie director, Oprah is the Queen of media and Janet may well have been the Queen of Pop, but NaQuila deserves her turn to shine.  As in the Movie screenplay “Everybody has Demons” the slogan “Nobody’s perfect,” applies to us all.  But life goes on and absolution of our transgressors is about spiritual growth.  As in life sometimes we have to let go and let God.


Personally I think we should not get too personal.  Whatever was in that letter should be held secret and if the beans were spilled already then like an occult it should remain in that circle.  It should remain private until NaQuila and only NaQuila wishes for it to be released.  And Oprah must remember she is responsible to a higher authority as we all are.



Gambino says Thank you all

Gambino says Thank you all


Word on the streets is NaQuila judgment was to complete and anger management class.


First of all, I want to thank the Honorable Judge Anthony L. Ritenour for being a fair Judge and Defense Attorney Marion J. Moorman for doing a fine job.  Justice was serve for the assurance of peaceful lifestyles and I think before NaQuila blows up totally in Hollywood and has to take on the responsibility of people (children) simply due to celebrity status and content of material should address certain issues first.  I think this was a good decision not to punish but to take corrective actions.


Most importantly I want to thank the politicians, entertainment celebrities and civil rights leaders of the highest honors.  I want to name many of the people specifically and thank them for carrying our request for help by posting the article about my plea on behalf of NaQuila.


Thank you First lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, President Jimmy Carter, President George H.W. Bush, President George W. Bush and President Bill Clinton and Mayor of New York City and a friend at heart Michael Bloomberg and I say to President I am sorry if I offend you, because you do not carry my work.


I want to thank Minister Louis Farrakhan especially for showing such a strong concern and for delivering such a strong message on such a timely moment in my life.  Thank you Rev. Jesse Jackson and I hope you find it in your heart to seal the alliance between you all, as Minister Farrakhan made the first step in a healing process for the world and thank you Reverend Al Sharpton the most active of the three in the public arena.   


The list goes on and you all know who you are in California and New York City, and I feel the reception in Hollywood.  Let me name these people because they are all powerhouses and deserve special recognition.


Thank you, P. Diddy, Damon Dash, Jermaine Dupri, Aaliyah, Monica, Victoria Gotti, Lil Wayne, Missy Elliot, Mariah Carey, Beyonce, John A. Gotti an up and coming writer, actor and entertainment manager, Ice T, Steve Harvey, DL. Hughley and my God thank me.  Lol!  A few people did not carry this article like Janet and Alicia, the people who I wrote mostly for in the past, but no problem!  It is all good! 


I hope I mentioned everyone, but there are more, like how can I forget the best basketball player of all time after Kareem being Magic Johnson.  Maybe stem cell research might allow us to see them both at their prime again and watch them play on the same time.  Lol!


Thank you all! 




Gambino’s Last Plea on NaQuila’s Behalf

Gambino’s Last Plea on NaQuila’s Behalf


Tomorrow is the big day according to News reports that NaQuila Hardy has to face the judge on Battery Charges and I really feel awful about this.  If I have to admit to the court that I am documented as being delusional at times I will, because it is documented by the Veterans Administration.  Hell it beats pleading the 5th and may well throw out my sworn statement about the events that day


NaQuila I know better than a lot of people and she really had a hard time in life, but I tend to not understand her sometimes because I also suffered hardships and rather than deal with what I said happened to me in the U.S. Army overseas in Germany, I was blackballed from society and called crazy.  I am a man and could handle it, I am not sure if she can.


NaQuila has a testimony because she has experienced hard times in life.  We worked hard on a CD and have more work to follow if these charges can be dropped.  I hear the State Attorney might pickup the charges against my will, for whatever reasons.  This has been the pattern in her life, one situation led to another and a picture was drawn that was ugly and I really feel bad about the whole situation.


Personally I realize now that maybe we are not the dream couple, and sometimes love means letting go of someone.  I do not know, but putting her in jail was so un-cool and I do not know if I can live with myself if she is separated from her kids on the reckoning of me or any account because I know what they mean to her.


I know she cannot be convicted unless there is a vendetta against her from far reaching places.  I sense people think I am not the best person for her and perhaps she is not the best person for me, however I have unfinished business with her as I described to the court in my wavier to drop all charges.


Today I heard a part of powerful speech by Minister Louis Farrakhan whom I love as he in my opinion cried out for help from another black leader Reverend Jesse Jackson whom I also love.  As this is no time for division among our people and I call on them and Rev. AL Sharpton to assure for her to get a fair hearing tomorrow.  Minister Louis Farrakhan made a profound statement about being meek, in that he is patient because he loves his adversaries more than they hate themselves.


This made me wonder if my reasons for this relationship are on point.  Because love has to be measured here verse lust, because what I did was terrible I put her in jail for thinking out loud, and that is the bottom-line.  I have to ask myself is there a control issue with me over her.  A lot of things are crossing my mind now, perhaps a little too late, because the damage was done.  I felt I did the right thing at the time and still think good can come out of this, but will the courts do the just thing in this case?  Will the courts drop the charges on this woman who has to be terrified. 


I will not be present at the court tomorrow, because I was not invited to the hearing and I wish her the best tomorrow and in the future and plan to uphold my end of the agreement if the court allows me to do so.  I want the world to know I love NaQuila L. Hardy, but am I the right person for her and if not what is more important her well being or my self indulgence.  Because when it was not fun anymore I bailed on her.  It is like not wanting someone due to a character defect, which we all have, but not wanting anyone else to have her and like someone once said, “Love is not possession.” (MJJ)




And now I will show you the most excellent way.

1Co 13:1 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 

1Co 13:2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 

1Co 13:3 If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.

1Co 13:4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 

1Co 13:5 It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered; it keeps no record of wrongs. 

1Co 13:6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 

1Co 13:7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

1Co 13:8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 

1Co 13:9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 

1Co 13:10 but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. 

1Co 13:11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 

1Co 13:12 Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

1Co 13:13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.


If love is all of these things did I fail her when I said, “I love you.”

Opportunities Entertaining the Military

Opportunities Entertaining the Military


Everybody thinks that the only thing the military has to offer is work on the front line of war.  But little does a lot of people realize all the opportunities the military offers such as product sponsorship as well as your product on their shelves, I mean AAFES is a multi-billion dollar corporation.  Check out the hyperlink below.


Who is AAFES they are big money a must read:


Another opportunity wants to mention is the opportunity to tour the world and different levels of celebrity status and popularity.  Check out the hyperlink below and the short summery as well.


Who is the USO a must read for musical artist:

USO Tour Information at a Glance

Q: I am an entertainer who wishes to participate in USO shows. How do I apply?


A: We take pride in our ability to deliver some of America’s most popular and well-known celebrities around the world to the troops. USO tours can vary from a one-off to a complete tour with multiple destinations. The USO can also work with artists who may have available dates within their existing tours. USO celebrity status is not necessarily defined by experience of level of professionalism, but rather as a performer that has name recognition with the military members and families for who, they perform or visit. We also qualify celebrity status based on coverage in entertainment trade magazines like Billboard and Variety and as those seen on MTV, BET, CMT, etc. If you feel that you or the artist you represent meets these criteria, we look forward to discussing the possibility of a USO tour. Please send your press kit via e-mail to the Entertainment/Recruiting Assistant or materials can be mailed to:

Attn: Entertainment/Recruiting Assistant
USO Headquarters
2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1200
Arlington, VA 22201

Non-Celebrity Entertainment

The USO realizes that there are many experienced professional entertainers seeking an audience with the troops that may not yet qualify for “celebrity” status. We encourage you to contact Armed Forces Entertainment (AFE). AFE is the single point of contact in the Department of Defense, for professional non-celebrity entertainment supporting our service members overseas. You can find more information about AFE on their Web site, or contact their offices at 1-800-458-0868.

Good luck and thank you for supporting our men and women in uniform.

Time for Business

Time for Business


Sometimes being unselfish seems to others as you coming off selfishly.  With that I say this:


Worshipful Master Roberts died in Mid-November of 2009.  He was my mother’s brother and my uncle of course.  I moved to Avon Park, Florida soon after like the next day.  I was the last person he spoke to it was over the phone.  I was in New York City and he was in Florida.  Prior to this I made him promises that I am ready to fulfill now. I will do community work!  May God motivate me? 


I feel like I was in the twilight zone and am awakening from a deep sleep.  But understand “the meek will inherit the earth,” so it is written.  I did pretty damn good so far, but could have done a little better.  Where am I going with this & again it is about NaQuila?


I committed myself to her project for over 5 months consecutively and exclusively.  We got into a deep relationship however the focus got away from the music and became an argument.  That is not good at all!  We spent more time arguing over bullshit, than music production, promotion and marketing- sales combined.  Sometimes a woman wants to wear the pants and kill the soul of a man and regardless to her past or the reasons it is wrong.


I intentionally calculated my financial ruin for a short period that was prolonged do to the economy, timing and constant arguments.  And I am sorry but this has to be corrected.  And that goes to being unselfish.  I put out an album to test or as I put it I did it in BETA mode.  I did it for NaQuila, to test the market for her release, and for what a damn argument about its contents?  I have to take care of business without these distractions.  My album is good but that is nothing for a great artist and writer.


I am a businessman and I have to keep the focus, I cannot afford to bug out over nonsense, it may sound insensitive but it is not it is real.  Let me mention a scripture that I really dig and is very relevant.


Col 2:17 These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ. 

Col 2:18 Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you for the prize. Such a person goes into great detail about what he has seen, and his unspiritual mind puffs him up with idle notions.


My point is that reality is in Christ and Christ is not voodoo.  We have to remain focused and do the right thing always and never be arrogant.  We must always show love even if our heart aches.  Though true love can seem like tough love, but understand; “for the love of God is always first.” (Paul)


NaQuila L. Hardy Arrested Today

NaQuila L. Hardy Arrested Today


Frank Paul Gambino wants’ Capstone Zulu contract with NaQuila


Today NaQuila L. Hardy was arrested in Avon Park, FL.  All that can be said at this point is there was a dispute over songs released on Capstone Zulu’s new release to reach digital stores in about 3 weeks.  However you can buy direct on a few selected few songs at a great discount at;


We all knew mixing business with personal concerns was bad chemistry.  I think NaQuila’s album is great and deserves a chance to be properly promoted.  Will we work together in the future is to be determined by the industry.  I do not know if it is fear or insanity but the important things took the back door for what seemed to be a manipulation without good reason or merit.  It was a hostel takeover attempt.


Now as a team we can make good music, but I am sure she can fly without me and I think I can also work with other people.  It seem to be time to call in the lawyers and draw up some paperwork or just travel in separate directions altogether.


Legal documents have to be drawn for this relationship to continue on the music front.  My focus is music and non profit endeavors first.  The Hollywood relationship prototype does not faze me; I am real about who and what I am.


I have nothing to say bad about this woman other than I wonder about her intent.  She still has my blessing, but will not be forced to accept it.  Some people think I am more of a problem than of help.  That decision is hers!

AIDS is Curable & Death Reversible

AIDS is Curable & Death Reversible


Let me drill it in the minds of mankind, we are living in the last days.  People die because the system of the Evil one is to kill off people to preserve natural resources.  A very elaborate scheme, those complexities takes years of training and education to clearly comprehend.


What I am trying to share is something that you have to be able to feel, and walk by faith and not by sight.  This is very easy to say, be very hard to practice.  There will be days whereby you will want to curse out the Lord, for all the hardships you had to endure.  But understand Satan is a very competitive beast.  He has the world fooled into believing he is the lord god, with a little G.


AIDS is nothing but a disease man asked for and now he cannot control it.  The pharmaceutical industry controls disease and never cures them for a profit.  But the coming of the Lord is soon, but it does not seem to be soon enough and you have to wonder why.


The flocks of the Lord are very lazy people?  They are consumers?  People who work to consume commercial products?  If Satan had it his way you would crucify him so he will be nicer to you and increase social benefits for 20 years, just long enough to make his death a holiday.  Yea right!


Well it is on the table, for what it is worth, you can join the hostel takeover and break the cycle of systematic oppression or sellout the Son of Man in return for more social programs and government stimulus packages or be resilient and tough it out.  It is hard for us all too some degree or it is not as easy as it was for anyone who matters. 

The Name Capstone Zulu & the Mission

The Name Capstone Zulu & the Mission


I was asked by a person who appeared to be poor, tired and weary.  His question was “what I can do for you, I ask because I have nothing?” 


We live in a world whereby many people are poor, tired and weary.  I fit in the category to many respects in General I am also poor, but refuse to be tired and weary.  The spirits of tired and weary has no place in my temple.  The outside conditions can be manipulated by others as we are all interdependent in the Universe.


The Capstone Zulu, first of all let me mention a piece of scripture. 


Ps 118:22 The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone;

Ps 118:23 the LORD has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes.

Ps 118:24 This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.


No man you all talked about Michael Jackson being the King of Pop, based on popularity and record sales.  But this is really it.  This is the deciding factor for the entire world to witness and physically and emotionally experience the power of God.


Capstone Zulu AKA Frank Paul Gambino Productions is Paul Castellano in the flesh, meaning the spirit of God like in no other man or woman is with him.


1Th 5:2 for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 

1Th 5:3 While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

1Th 5:4 But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. 

1Th 5:5 You are all sons of the light and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.


Capstone Zulu is a license stage name representing the highest achievement ever in the history of man.  Through music, writing blogs, screenplays that we hope will be produced soon, which includes music videos, documentaries and so on we will attempt to reach the world, not as a solo famous ICON but as the New World Leaders. Unlike Michael who was struck down in a disappearing act, this will never be struck down because the foundation is in the truth of the Lord. 


It is not about getting rich and living large now, be aware this is a hostel takeover by the people for the people, because Satan and the New World Order time is up.  The Hell the world is in must come to a halt say the Lord.  We will be the trend setters for the rest to follow.  Oh and the money will become useless, so why hold on to it, when tomorrow it will be counterfeit. 

Independent Record Distribution & Promotions

Independent Record Distribution & Promotions


An Underground Record Distribution Network: 


A special checking account must be created and maintained. 

An online record distribution operation has to be selected.

Distribution of demos has to be initiated.


Prerequisites of the establishment of online music distributor services are:


You first must open a bank account preferably checking

Then start up a Pay Pal Account

Then open an account with an online record distributor


I am leaning towards ReverbNation they distribute to about 39 stores to include store like Myspace Music, Amazon, Rhapsody and Napster.  This service is really not expensive at all


What good is music and a distributor and no audience or market?  An audience has to be earned but a market can be purchased.  We have to develop the account for artists and create friends; this is done through a kit or the use of tools.  The purpose of them is to develop reach and that is the first requirement to the development of a market, then there is the actual promotional of the products.


VASoft Online Myspace Promoter service which can present to you a market.  What you do with the software is up to you; however they will get you the tools to create a market.  Now you will be able to sell your music on and people will take your page a little more serious as you will be presented with sales opportunities to create a fan base worldwide.


Of course this is assuming your music is copyrighted at the library of congress and registered with ASCAP.


Have a wonderful day.


PS: Check me out on ReverbNation and purchase a song or two for the cause.

Lil Wayne a sexual predator?

Lil Wayne a sexual predator?


Lil Wayne who is in jail now in Rikers Island, in New York City, may be loved by the masses and be very famous, but he has a serious history.


Let me tell you a story about this dude and his behaviors with a young lady.  There was a young lady named NaQuila L. Hardy, who was a huge fan of his.  She went to many of his shows and gained the attention of Lil Wayne.  She was a very good looking young lady, with a dream of being a star someday and had a huge crush on this star called Lil Wayne.


There were mutual conversations with several contacts of Lil Wayne’s clique. He contacted her and used her in the bed, and it was consensual.   This was the springboard of a two year relationship.  As we all know Birdman and Lil Wayne are tight, perhaps a little too tight so I hear and a picture tells a thousand words.  As you can see Lil Wayne and Birdman kissing in white in what seems to be a same sex occult marriage.


They used this young lady to write songs and used her sexually as they went as far as to try and pass her around and attempted to gang rape her.   She prevented the gang rape by running out of the hotel room to Lil Wayne’s manager crying.  Only for him to go after the same thing as the entourage did the next day.


After all of this not being enough for her she was still convinced to move out to Dallas, TX by Lil Wayne’s brother because of pure selfishness of Marley being lonely.  This now took her from Lil Wayne’s sex toy status to homeless on the streets of Texas surviving even without any food and staying with strangers at times.


She resorted to stripping at local night clubs in Dallas, Dallas South Side and Arlington areas as a means of survival and ended up in situations that could’ve resulted in her demise.  She survived this all and finally made it back home close to family.  Until this day Lil Wayne showed no remorse?


Now you can say whatever you want to say about the Janet Jackson era, as it was put out there, however I tried to make a wrong I did forgivable, because the relationship was one sided and very unhealthy.  And as I was poor they all lived large, so believe this there will not be 20 more years of so-called obsessions over her!  I do not hate Janet Jackson for her and her family’s actions against me, to make my life a living hell! But it doesn’t give any justification like NaQuila I was used also in a much bigger way!


I was used by the Government and the Jackson Family played a role in it to control me to do there dirt and help them gain all the success in life that are a great enjoyment to the both of them, because of my feelings for Janet Jackson and my believed debt to her “what is it that I really owed her?” NOTHING! This was all a game she and John Gotti Sr. played on me.  And sadly but true I feel I was hoodwinked by the Gambino Crime Family.  After all I did I have little to show for it, but the meek will inherit the Earth, so it is said.


Why am I writing this article?  Yes I and NaQuila am an item and there are three children involved.  And because of her association with me she will not be blackballed by the industry due to jealousy. 


We put together a fine project with a powerful message and plan to promote it hard very soon.  We put together an anthem for AIDS research that gained the attention of the government and a lot of other great material.  She and I paid our dues, and I being a little stronger can be resilient, but she has been through enough and the hater games must end! 


People like Steve Harvey who knows about what took place briefly with Lil Wayne and in Texas think everything is funny needs to find some new material.  People like Lil Wayne who has unpaid debts needs to repent and try to make them right, because he can also be gang raped where he is and as for Janet Jackson there is no past, present or future conversation or plans for her, I decided to move on from these Internet Fantasy Dreams and games, NaQuila is not in a competition other than for the race to sell records.  She is my choice!


That Said!


 So do not play games with her livelihood, as I said there are children involved.


Please do not force my hand, what was done was done and the consequences to come depend on the corrective actions taken by people who are trying to make her life a living hell. 


Enough is enough!