NaQuila Hardy persevere

NaQuila Hardy persevere


These been a very interesting three months 9 months of constant challenges.  Like I said the BUZZ is that we have a 100 songs project, with an advanced marketing strategy.


To be honest our first phase is and test sector, by trial and error we plan to perfect these strategic master templates for the future of the industry and as trend setters try to stay a step ahead of the game always.


I realize that I have a bad reputation at this stage and time, but we all know people tend to forget fast, under certain conditions especially financial incentives like a hit record or film which is included in the repertoire.    

Hollywood Energy Drinks Campaign

Hollywood Energy Drinks Campaign


Many start old and new are siding with Red Bull and Monster Energy Drinks.  Artists are filming videos, making jingles and full songs that mention one of the products.  It is anticipate monster red as being a major drink promoted by Stackz 2020.  Many artist such as P. Diddy, Janet Jackson, Lil Wayne, Alicia keys, Beyonce, Jay Z then you have people like Chris Brown, Usher, Jermaine Dupri, the Time Band who is currently performing at the Flamingo in Vegas.


This is booked as being the event of the summer, with all types of giveaways and prizes and free energy drinks.  This campaign is a tie in with Live Nation, as Live realized energy drinks wakes up a crown and alcohol pit them to sleep.

NaQuila Likes Monster Red

NaQuila Likes Monster Red


With Energy drinks on the surge as many youths use it as an aphrodisiac (Intensifies sexual desires) and as we know in the music industry sex sells.  There is a big campaign between Red Bull and Monster Energy Drinks to start a huge rivalry in a limit partnership. 


Red Bull and Monster Energy Drinks are siding up with many Pop artists in a huge campaign to make Red Bull and Monster in the energy drinks market what Coke and Pepsi is in the soft drinks market.  .


We are hoping to get sponsorship from Monster, because it is our choice of energy drinks.  Monster is basically the same thing as Red Bull meaning it works the same, however Monster give you double the bang for your buck.  They are both equally quality drinks and the goal is to make consumers choose between the two as they corner the market with hop Hip Hop Commercials on stations like MTV, BET, VH1 and Nationwide Radio Airplay  that caters to the consumer group targeted by this campaign.

Non Profit Record Company & Distribution System

janet-v-midiNon Profit Record Company & Distribution System



#1: Name of CD:  The Extortion Album which consist of 3 albums in Wave format and 4th album with all three albums and bonus material in MP-3 and iPod format, which will support PC of Apple.   That is just the start.  You have X-Convicted Felons with big dogs on the hot corners in the hood saying “This is extortion buy it or else, the extortion album 3 CD and CD-MP-3 iPod compilation albums, just $10.”


#2: Copyright all the material on all three albums, with the Library of Congress.


#3: Make all writers members of ASCAP, for a one time fee of $25.


#4: Incorporate the Record Company as a non profit organization.  Meaning we have to spend all our money by the end of the fiscal year, there will be no multi-million salaries.  Yes the artist gets paid for their musical works and we can set a salary as officers in the corporation.  Make it a policy to hire certain percentage of convicted felons.  We are talking about a Recording Co-Op Marketing Plan

Business and employment co-operative

3.6 Business and employment co-operative


The Mission statement has to do with music and helping artist through promotional and giving them recording opportunities, by building recordings studios around the country in mainly Urban Areas. Giving unsigned independent artist recording opportunities


#5: The Underground Distribution Network:  Put out CD’s using duplicators, setup strategically around the country at major cities.  They will be like the Avon Lady they will get a Business associate ID and sell CD’s to family and neighbors.  There will be an accounting system put in place, but being it is a non profit organization it is not just about record sales but putting out a message, so piracy can work to our advantage in some cases, because we are talking about making music as a social action.


#6: Packaging: I just bought 10 packs of 10 quads DVD/CD Cases by TDK they cost $3.99 per 10 packs and hold 4 CD’s per case.  How much will it cost wholesale is the question, but $0.39 per 4 CD compilation case is cheap packaging.  Plus 50 DCD storage inserts go for about$17 after taxes or $34 per 100 which equal $034 per insert retail, with ink from printer we are talking less than $1.00 per packaging with a professional look.


#7: The Beauty: I was told that we to copyright protect the products, I said no because it is a non profit organization and sometimes piracy could be good if it gets the word out about a cause.  Now here is a secret I will not write about concerning the grand architecture or great design.  First of all piracy organizations are our best distributors. Why?


#8: Accounting system emplacement: Depending on the artist and their demand, we predetermine how many burning licenses we authorize.  An example is we say Janet Jackson’s next album will sell 2 Million copies.  We go to the Underground Distribution Network, who are now the piracy organizations and say you can burn 2 million copies of this CD and sell them for $5.00 each and we want say $1.25 per CD, make it $1.00 to keep it simple, they pay 2 million dollars and burn as many as they want up to 2 million but this will not stop them from burning more.  However here is the catch 22, by accepting these contracts in smaller bulks in different areas around the country say 20,000 here and 100,000 there up to 2 million total they become a legitimate operation and have needs for their equipment and now they have to be caught red handed for there equipment to be confiscated.  Furthermore by making these contracts they actually can justify their income by paying taxes on the profits made. Make sense?


We have to give Black Entertainment its share

imag01954We have to give Black Entertainment its share


Did Janet Jackson get paid properly for her tour?  Is this the real reason for its abrupt ending?  For that matter do black entertainers get paid properly for their concert tours in general?  I just want to assure black entertainers that all is not as it seems and you have a greater interest in things you have not idea about.  A lot of the new money is not the Illuminati as the old money sold them short.  You give certain people more credit than they deserve.  A lot of the new corporations and monsters of entertainment is not the old money (Wall Street as you know them).  There is a new corporate America on the verge of a hostile takeover.  It is simple your lack of faith that you cannot see what is happening.  You have been heard Stephanie Mills, and you only confirmed my suspicions, you are right in you have nothing to worry about.  But the power that is to be is not as white as you may think.  Have faith.


The Answer to the Message of the Day:


We will see.  The main idea behind my economic agenda is to bring money back into the system as I give politicians especially the president of the United States plausible denial.  The bottom line is the money is out of the system because the foolish big corporate America tried to sell us out.  But they sold themselves to us and now what I do not like is we seem to be giving it back to them too much without enough strings attached.


As I said, the big corporate America has been policing them but we were a step ahead of them and we policed the police.  The bottom line as stated in the Economic Crisis a letter to the Illuminati, we have the money and it will never be found unless certain conditions are met.  Right now they are simply creating more debts to move the economy, but unless money is returned to the system the economy will never be recovered.  I told you’ll what is necessary and feel it is not necessary to repeat myself.


Oh by the way, my policy for banking is not to lend $30 for every $1 in the bank, but to lend $1 to every $10 deposited in the bank and based on this policy my settlement of $1 Trillion dollars, will become the lending power of $10 Trillion dollars to help build a better economy.


A Mercury-Uranus conjunction on your birthday will do wonders for your ability to see beneath the surface of things. You will know without knowing why you know when others are telling the truth, and when they are lying. You can’t lose with a talent like that.


This will be a good week for meeting people and making deals, even more so when Mercury, planet of communication, leaves your sign and moves into the main financial area of your chart on Wednesday. You’ll find the right words to sell your big idea.


Music Production at a Glance

reason-41Music Production at a Glance


Researched by: Frank Paul Gambino





Live Audio

Audio Editing &

MIDI Recording

Mastering &

Loop Based

Can be






 and Sequencing

Post Production


 used Live


Sound Forge 9









Sound Forge Audio









Sound Booth









Ableton Live 7









Melodyne Studio 3









Komplete 5









Sonar 8









Pro Tools M-Powered









Cubase 4









Finale 2009









Sibelius 5









Reason 4









Bias Peak


















Cubase Studio 4









Acid Pro 7



















My Request List & Janet’s Tour

My Request List & Janet’s Tour


To: President George W. Bush

From: Frank Paul Gambino

Date: 30 October 2008


The message of the stars on your birthday this year is that you cannot go on expecting others to make decisions for you. It may have worked for you in the past but it won’t work now, so take responsibility for your actions – and live the life of your dreams.

If you need assistance today all you have to do is ask. With Mercury, planet of communication, making the best possible aspect to your ruler Neptune your questions will be answered and, most likely, your wishes will be granted with the minimum of fuss.


The message is to make public what is already private which is:

I am expecting some money soon, that will be enough to pay off all my debts and put me in the green, however my uncle wants me to buy a house, which means I might have to leave New York City where I can buy cheap, this depends on Janet, I understand there is a condominium in my name already.  Do I move in or what?  I know where it is but I am not going anywhere near Janet on a close and personal level without being invited.


I told Janet she should let me in on the tour, I could be of major help and assistance to her, but there is for some reason she has Jermaine Dupri running behind the tour.  That is on her!  I know how to apply initiative and I know how to improvise and these are the skills that she seems to be lacking on her team and entourage.  This is up to her.


I have two tickets not the best seats but what I wanted and I will be going to the show for entertainment, but I will give the rundown to a close friend and advisor during that day.  I wanted more tickets at least to invite more friends and or family, but I cannot be told they are at the box office the day of the show I need time to plan, sure I can pick them up on the day of the show that is how it is done, I need to know if my complimentary tickets were granted in advance by Janet’s management team.


The first source of money is about in the bag which will untie my hands, and there might be second source of money we will see and then I can work on getting my settlement.  I told Janet she needs to introduce me to the players as soon as possible and travelling with the tour would be an outlet to that end.


LL Cool J is a disappointment, he left the show to do a club the night (a party) before the big show at the Garden but you never know the finances of a person he might need immediate income.  Personally I think Keith Sweat would compliment Janet better and would be more mature.  But I still think the Janet & LL tour is worth exploring, but we will never know if we do not create momentum, he never shows up to perform I think he is conceited and think he is more important than he is.  We were trying to get him in with Live Nation in the future, but he showed no loyalty. So be it.  If I work the tour Jermaine can continue to work the cameras, but the boyfriend talk has to end abruptly.  Jermaine does not know but he did me a favor!


Frank Paul Gambino


Opening Act

Opening Act


To: Janet

From: Paul

Date: 28 October 2008


So LL Cool J opted out?


I have to get ready for work, I would do smaller venues and leave out the opening act for now and see how it works.  I think Keith Sweat would be a great opening act for smaller venues, but I would go International with MJJ.  You open in Europe and he open in Asia, that should be the first two stops and you all should do a duet on his album.  See if you can get Keith Sweat for the MSG on a one night deal, you need an opening act at the MSG and he should be a male for the ladies.  Keith Sweat is perfect for you he will warm the crowd up for you and his show is not competition, he sings a lot of good and slow shit you are upbeat and dancing all the time.  He will not put you to sleep but will not overly excite you.


He is not booked on the 1st, I would hire him his band is up and ready and he is from New York City they will love him.


Love Paul

Janet sells out in Vancouver, BC

Janet sells out in Vancouver, BC


10 September 2008


Janet sells out the first stop of the Rock Wit Chu World Tour in Canada.  This is Janet’s first tour in 7 years and her fans are as excited as she is and believe she is excited.  Yes!  It is officially sold out.  The next stop is in Oakland, CA on 13 September 2008 at the Oracle Arena.  After Oakland she hits Las Angeles on the 17th from there to Las Vegas on the 19th and then San Diego the 20th after which LL Cool J joins the tour on the 25th in Chicago.  It really sounds exciting don’t miss out on the blast.


It is uncertain at this time as to whether or not LL Cool J will join the International Leg of the tour as well as the USO Leg, but there is a small list of people that might be invited onto the show, one name worth mentioning is Keith Sweat another ladies man, who is known for his begging ballads, smooth R&B and an innovator of the New Jack Swing.