NaQuila Likes Monster Red

NaQuila Likes Monster Red


With Energy drinks on the surge as many youths use it as an aphrodisiac (Intensifies sexual desires) and as we know in the music industry sex sells.  There is a big campaign between Red Bull and Monster Energy Drinks to start a huge rivalry in a limit partnership. 


Red Bull and Monster Energy Drinks are siding up with many Pop artists in a huge campaign to make Red Bull and Monster in the energy drinks market what Coke and Pepsi is in the soft drinks market.  .


We are hoping to get sponsorship from Monster, because it is our choice of energy drinks.  Monster is basically the same thing as Red Bull meaning it works the same, however Monster give you double the bang for your buck.  They are both equally quality drinks and the goal is to make consumers choose between the two as they corner the market with hop Hip Hop Commercials on stations like MTV, BET, VH1 and Nationwide Radio Airplay  that caters to the consumer group targeted by this campaign.

Be my Joneses

The G UmbrellaBe my Joneses


It was said that it is not so much important as to what goes into your mouth but what comes out of it, which is a maker of your character.  A very good word historically used as a negative connotation is Joneses meaning basically neighbor.  It is a saying to “keep up with the Joneses.”  Suggesting that you be in competition with your next door neighbor, sort of like they by a fence and you buy a more expensive fence, they buy a car and you buy a better car.


But in actuality the term Joneses is a friendly and non competitive term.  I call on the Hip Hop community to replace the terms “Nigger” and “bitch” with “Joneses.”  I call on them to say in there songs “be my Joneses.”  Because like Rev. AL Sharpton said, you are what you say you are.


Let us bring back a community to raise a child mentality and be truly neighbors and not allow ourselves to just simply be victims on the system.  A change in mentality is in our grasp, we can determine our destiny, by changing how we speak and therefore changing how we think.


It is like the new Mafia is a non profit organization for the betterment of our communities and not a self destructives movement of surviving by any means, because we are packed in the projects like sardines.  We have to address our circumstances and the situations we are facing such as the expansion of prisons, wars around the world and the AIDS pandemic; single parenthood, illiteracy and the symbolically castrated Blackman?


As simple as it may seem, a major step in the right direction as a new greeting of camaraderie (Friendship) is to stop calling your brothers or sisters Niggers and bitches and say “that is my Joneses.”  I call on major Hip Hop community to introduce this concept into their culture.  Personally I really like some Hip Hop and Rap music, but I am embarrassed by it; I think the term Joneses will sell more records and allow the music to reach more homes.  At least consider it. And most importantly it would create a safer community and brotherly and sisterly love among our youth.

Propellerhead Record is a Hit?

Propellerhead Record is a Hit?


Check out the promotional video, it looks like fun and Record Rewire’s with Reason 4.0.1.  It requires an ignition key a dongle key or protection key as does programs like Cubase, which I think is a down side to these programs.   Hopefully Propellerhead will come to their senses and upgrade out of the ignition key.


The major downside to Record is that it does not use VSTi or VST effects.  So for a user of Reason only it is great and there are people who use Reason only for their music creations, in which case Record would complete the package and add audio tracks to the package and Record and Reason would in fact be a complete package.  I do not know but the limitations to exclude VST is a major downfall and might make me hesitant to purchasing Record.  In any case check out the video it is fun, maybe if they made one with P. Diddy, Janet Jackson, Prince or Alicia Keys or somebody I might be persuaded.


In any case Propellerhead set a new precedent in making music software more commercial and the ad is great.  I think if it used VST and the commercial went television the idea would sweep the market.  I am looking forward to more music software commercials.  As when I was a kid there was a band on every block that has been replaced by home recording studios.  I think in the computer age it is a good thing and an opportunity for main stream artist to cash in as they introduce new material.  As music in the new millennium will become a mainstream avenue to middle class-hood.   It’s better than slinging biscuits. 

After further investigation I am sold, well maybe, Record actually automatically integrates with Reason instead of Rewire as in third party apps and it is a slave to a host application.  Meaning Record is simply an addition to Reason, still I have a problem with the ignition key, minus the ignition key I would say this is a beautiful idea.  This is actually exciting.  But honestly I do not know!

Screenplays, Social Life & Investment Capital

Denzel Washington Screenplays, Social Life & Investment Capital


There are a lot of things taking place more important than a social life, people testing nuclear bombs, jet planes falling into the sea, the death of MJJ and others, AIDS, wars and the list goes on.


Message of the Day

Your social scene may be a bit boring at the moment but the planets indicate that it will get a lot more interesting between now and next weekend. Chances are you will look back in a few days time and wish it was boring all over again!

I need more investment capital; I have a friend opening a fish and soul food restaurant, in a neighborhood of over 10,000 with only Chinese’s restaurants in the area, whereby he is loved in the hood and it is predominantly black in populations.  I know most restaurants fail in the first 6 months, because it takes time to make a profit, I want my friends to help Carl Alston in any way possible in Queensbridge our mothers were like sisters.  There are very few black businesses out there this is no pork it is a necessity and has to be established and succeed.  That said; he has my blessing.

 Janet & Alicia

I admit I have to learn to socialize again but it has to be business oriented, I am all about networking now it is time to make the business moves.  Like I said the best thing for me to build up on is intellectual property, as I said I am about to write another script and again I want to write Janet and Alicia into the screen, though the screen is totally different  from everybody has demons.  Actually these roles will be easier for them to play.

Prince in Purple Rain 

I have not decided as to whether to give the leading role to a woman or man, I probably will not start writing for about a week, I am leaning towards a man this time with Janet and Alicia in supporting roles, I am even considering requesting the services of Prince in this one again in a supporting role, the person I wanted in the leading role showed no repeat to Michael’s BET Tribute; I believe because of his associations, so I just assume find someone else, Janet knows who I am talking about.  Again I want Denzel Washington to direct the movie.


This one should honestly be finished by summer’s end, because I cannot abandon my home recording studio during the process, I have to allocate a certain amount of hour a day to the screen.  That said….

From Household Superstar to Media Whore

Janet coming out of hidingFrom Household Superstar to Media Whore


Just what exactly is a celebrity?  A famous person who requires a lot of media attention?  Do the paparazzi determine who is a star or does a star attract the paparazzi?  Or do mainstream media of Hollywood determine who is a star in mass media. The real question is are the stars today actually stars and fabrications by means of being mere media whores.  Just what is Janet Jackson, Jermaine Dupri, Mariah Carey, Alicia Keys, Beyonce or even the great Michael Jackson, Prince and the rest?  I mean who is chasing who?


OK a real star is a household name, who requires and demands a lot of mass media attention, but just what is a media whore and can the two be easily distinguished with the presence of the paparazzi in today’s Hollywood.  I mean does the media whore who is a person who fakes relationships, does nudity stunts and scandals and let us not forget reality television and reality videos seek the paparazzi or does the paparazzi who are folks who buy into these fabrications as freelance photographers seeking newsworthy and scandalous stories, to shock the followers and supporters of said Hollywood stars actually chasing behind the Hollywood stars?


Just what is the role of PR and Publicity personnel?  Do they systematically tip off the photographers to be at events to promote the star or does it actually take research.  I mean if it is an insider game and tip off where does the tip originate?


So the question of the day is superstars real or imaginary.  Are they truly household names based on accomplishments or just media whores?


Oh by the way a dog is a racist, if it is raised around white people it will bark and black people.


Exploiting Empty Shells

janet-42Exploiting Empty Shells


The reason why people like Janet Jackson and Prince, the Time Band and even perhaps Michael Jackson are having a hard time finding a major label contract is not the lack of talent or a genuine fan base, but because  the industry wants empty brains with a good voice, they do want to do business with artist that know the business, they want to exploit dumb kids and not veteran artist who will demand their fair share.  Take the industry’s big night!


There was time when celebrity status meant something it meant a real fan base.  There was a time when the Grammy’s meant a fashion statement of the true Hollywood and stars.  Now it is a bunch of one night wonders, urban artist being true to the game in jeans hanging off of their ass and Beverly Hillbillies rich looking penniless, not to forget Rock Stars looking like it is just another day out at the shopping Mall.  They took the reward out of awards, which was one night of fantasy.  Is it because of the lack of sponsorship?


The record industry is not what it used to be, the piracy industry is a major factor in the poor sales as the business is becoming lackluster.  The true culprit is the RIAA, mentioned in another article so we do not have to go there again.   But the bottom line applies here as it applies in America in a whole, we have to manufacture our own goods once again and stop outsourcing everything that requires labor.  The American worker is the best consumer of American products


Non Profit Record Company & Distribution System

janet-v-midiNon Profit Record Company & Distribution System



#1: Name of CD:  The Extortion Album which consist of 3 albums in Wave format and 4th album with all three albums and bonus material in MP-3 and iPod format, which will support PC of Apple.   That is just the start.  You have X-Convicted Felons with big dogs on the hot corners in the hood saying “This is extortion buy it or else, the extortion album 3 CD and CD-MP-3 iPod compilation albums, just $10.”


#2: Copyright all the material on all three albums, with the Library of Congress.


#3: Make all writers members of ASCAP, for a one time fee of $25.


#4: Incorporate the Record Company as a non profit organization.  Meaning we have to spend all our money by the end of the fiscal year, there will be no multi-million salaries.  Yes the artist gets paid for their musical works and we can set a salary as officers in the corporation.  Make it a policy to hire certain percentage of convicted felons.  We are talking about a Recording Co-Op Marketing Plan

Business and employment co-operative

3.6 Business and employment co-operative


The Mission statement has to do with music and helping artist through promotional and giving them recording opportunities, by building recordings studios around the country in mainly Urban Areas. Giving unsigned independent artist recording opportunities


#5: The Underground Distribution Network:  Put out CD’s using duplicators, setup strategically around the country at major cities.  They will be like the Avon Lady they will get a Business associate ID and sell CD’s to family and neighbors.  There will be an accounting system put in place, but being it is a non profit organization it is not just about record sales but putting out a message, so piracy can work to our advantage in some cases, because we are talking about making music as a social action.


#6: Packaging: I just bought 10 packs of 10 quads DVD/CD Cases by TDK they cost $3.99 per 10 packs and hold 4 CD’s per case.  How much will it cost wholesale is the question, but $0.39 per 4 CD compilation case is cheap packaging.  Plus 50 DCD storage inserts go for about$17 after taxes or $34 per 100 which equal $034 per insert retail, with ink from printer we are talking less than $1.00 per packaging with a professional look.


#7: The Beauty: I was told that we to copyright protect the products, I said no because it is a non profit organization and sometimes piracy could be good if it gets the word out about a cause.  Now here is a secret I will not write about concerning the grand architecture or great design.  First of all piracy organizations are our best distributors. Why?


#8: Accounting system emplacement: Depending on the artist and their demand, we predetermine how many burning licenses we authorize.  An example is we say Janet Jackson’s next album will sell 2 Million copies.  We go to the Underground Distribution Network, who are now the piracy organizations and say you can burn 2 million copies of this CD and sell them for $5.00 each and we want say $1.25 per CD, make it $1.00 to keep it simple, they pay 2 million dollars and burn as many as they want up to 2 million but this will not stop them from burning more.  However here is the catch 22, by accepting these contracts in smaller bulks in different areas around the country say 20,000 here and 100,000 there up to 2 million total they become a legitimate operation and have needs for their equipment and now they have to be caught red handed for there equipment to be confiscated.  Furthermore by making these contracts they actually can justify their income by paying taxes on the profits made. Make sense?


Prince New Release Lotusflow3r Receiving little Airplay

prince-new-albumPrince New Release Lotusflow3r Receiving little Airplay


Prince put out a double solo album plus an album by Bria Valente which is co-written and co-produced by Prince.  I have not heard one song off of the album over the radio yet and Prince deserves more respect than that.  Prince as an Independent Artist plans to release 4 albums this year and two of them are out now.


Maybe he should have listened to me and considered the Underground Distribution Network or something other than an exclusive deal with Targets for all three albums for $11.98.  When I get around to going to Targets I will probably pick up the CD because Prince is always good for a few funky tunes, with two albums hopefully double the funk.


I am sure that Janet Jackson and the Time Band is watching Prince closely, as they may go Independent as well.  But Janet should be alright if she does as she plans to do and tour along with the album, use Ticket-Master as an outlet for album sales and be more creative in the distribution aspects.  Personally I hope the best for Prince.



Stephanie Mills Mistreated at the Nokia Theatre Live – LA

stephanie-millsStephanie Mills Mistreated at the Nokia Theatre Live – LA


On 14 March 2009 Stephanie Mills headlining along side the Whispers at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles California was rudely harassed by the management at this venue.  They threatened not to pay her according to the contract agreement requiring them to pay her in full prior to performing and threatened to search her property without any reason whatsoever.  It was an attempted act of extortion.  A shakedown and an attempted bamboozle.


But Stephanie stood up to them and was not only not searched but explained her situation to the Whispers who refused to perform until her situation was resolved, I call this old fashion sticking together.  Ultimately she was paid in full and the show went on but not as scheduled as a standoff took place for a couple of hours, but the fans got what they paid for.


She said a lot of women especially black women are mistreated in the industry while touring and she felt betrayed by her former agent whom she fired after the disrespectful position taken by her former agent.  A similar situation was Janet under the management of Jermaine Dupri during the Rock Witchu Tour as there is speculation as to did Janet Jackson receive her just due pay while touring.


This is a common practice that is a taboo when it comes to talking about it in fear of being blackballed from industry touring.  You can believe that many artist go without getting their full agreed upon concert performance deal.  Some are simply not paid others are forced to make ridicules contract riders that the venue basically takes back some of the money agreed upon in the deal made to perform.  People think artist are crazy because of some of the riders they have when on tour, but the reality be told they afraid to not agree to these forms of extortion.  This makes me wonder about Michael Jackson reported rider including over 1,200 bottle of $36 water.  In Janet’s case if she did not get paid it is her fault because I offered my services as a money collector.   It is a taboo!  By the way Prince performs at the Nokia- Live on Saturday 28 March 2009.  Will they pay Prince in full?  I wonder what is in his rider. 

The RIAA an Impediment to the Recording Industry

riaa_logo11riaa_logo12riaa_logo1The RIAA an Impediment to the Recording Industry


RIAA is an acronym for the Recording Industry Association of America, who are a group of people who basically make the calls as to how the music industry is regulated in the United States of America.  Their main interest is the major labels who are also the main record distributors, as they do represent over one and a half thousand labels but their interest is in preserving the influence of the 4 major labels which are EMI, Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group and Warner Music Group.  They are powerful, but like America they are in a recession and desperately have to make major changes before they suffocate in their own vomit.


Can they afford to stand by their positions concerning SACD copyrights that will require three copyrights to a single SACD and can they continue to claim that recording MP-3’s from legally purchased CD’s are illegal, however this assertion is yet to be proven in the court of law.  This one shoe fits all mentality is destroying the recording industry.  I mean it is one thing to protect the rights to intellectual property as stated in the first amendment which is beyond the scope of my examination.


To keep is simple I think the application of a one shoe fits all mentality in such a vast form of trade is impractical.  It is like a hand full of people with a lot of money is telling everyone how to conduct the business of music to protect their interests. Take Janet Jackson, Prince, LL Cool J, Whitney Houston and the many old school artist like the Ohio Players, the Gap Band, Earth Wind and Fire as well as many young artists too many to name, they have the power to blackball without notice and then regulate their activities as an independent artist, meaning even independent artists are not independent of the iron hand of the RIAA, which is the CIA & FBI combined of the music industry.  With their far reaching hands they have the ability to destroy the lives of any hard working artist who does not play by their rules.


Meaning if they say pose nude you take off your clothes, if they say use the (N) word or the (B) word every other sentence you do so.  You heard me use the term Gay Mob; they are nothing but hands to these people.  Unfortunately technology was screwed those 12 inches over and brought them to their knees.  And if they do not change their ways they will lose it all very soon.  They can no longer have their cake and eat it also.


I found this information posted and it is a contradiction to the positions they are taking.


In the US Supreme Court, the record company lawyers said:

“The record companies, my clients, have said, for some time now, and it’s been on their Website for some time now, that it’s perfectly lawful to take a CD that you’ve purchased, upload it onto your computer, put it onto your iPod. There is a very, very significant lawful commercial use for that device, going forward.”

But it is illegal, therefore hybrids with MP-3’s embedded is illegal.  The issue is not about copyrights as in MGM Studios, Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd. 545 U.S. 913 (2005) the issue is to disallow the little man from making a living to protect their own self interest.  And the sinking ships are taking everyone with them out of greed.  It is time for an Underground Distribution Network and the issue is survival.