Opportunities Entertaining the Military

Opportunities Entertaining the Military


Everybody thinks that the only thing the military has to offer is work on the front line of war.  But little does a lot of people realize all the opportunities the military offers such as product sponsorship as well as your product on their shelves, I mean AAFES is a multi-billion dollar corporation.  Check out the hyperlink below.


Who is AAFES they are big money a must read:


Another opportunity wants to mention is the opportunity to tour the world and different levels of celebrity status and popularity.  Check out the hyperlink below and the short summery as well.


Who is the USO a must read for musical artist:

USO Tour Information at a Glance

Q: I am an entertainer who wishes to participate in USO shows. How do I apply?


A: We take pride in our ability to deliver some of America’s most popular and well-known celebrities around the world to the troops. USO tours can vary from a one-off to a complete tour with multiple destinations. The USO can also work with artists who may have available dates within their existing tours. USO celebrity status is not necessarily defined by experience of level of professionalism, but rather as a performer that has name recognition with the military members and families for who, they perform or visit. We also qualify celebrity status based on coverage in entertainment trade magazines like Billboard and Variety and as those seen on MTV, BET, CMT, etc. If you feel that you or the artist you represent meets these criteria, we look forward to discussing the possibility of a USO tour. Please send your press kit via e-mail to the Entertainment/Recruiting Assistant or materials can be mailed to:

Attn: Entertainment/Recruiting Assistant
USO Headquarters
2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1200
Arlington, VA 22201

Non-Celebrity Entertainment

The USO realizes that there are many experienced professional entertainers seeking an audience with the troops that may not yet qualify for “celebrity” status. We encourage you to contact Armed Forces Entertainment (AFE). AFE is the single point of contact in the Department of Defense, for professional non-celebrity entertainment supporting our service members overseas. You can find more information about AFE on their Web site, or contact their offices at 1-800-458-0868.

Good luck and thank you for supporting our men and women in uniform.

FindCure-CureAIDS Anthem & Health Reform

FindCure-CureAIDS Anthem & Health Reform


It is a simple song with very powerful messages performed by an Icon in her own rite.  FindCure-CureAIDS performed by NaQuila L. Hardy a song that demands the strength of hope to remain in the hearts of the world people concerning the AIDS virus HIV.  FindCure-CureAIDS-Hyperlink


We are calling on the non profit sector to end the defeatist mentality and stop the extortion and just make it happen.  We call on artists like P. Diddy, Jay Z, Lil Wayne, Madonna, Justin Timberlake, R Kelly and the list continues to take up this cause.


The song is a giveaway as a donation to the world for open use to promote the release of the cure of AIDS that many people think has been cured years ago (1989) as we are being held hostage by the corrupt pharmaceutical companies whose only concern is to control the lifespan of mankind at a profit and not to save lives.


Let us face it the last diseased cured in a major way was polio in the 1950’s which was over a half of a century ago.  The strategy which is unethical is to treat diseases rather than cure them.  Not one disease discovered since before 1960 has been cured.


Then there is healthcare reform which is a hot topic, which really poses the question is the Government really who they say they are or do the pharmaceutical companies rule the world?  I mean are the pharmaceutical companies run by Illuminati Headquarters?  Is it there goal to kill us off as a means of population control?


People have all but surrendered to the idea that AIDS is a genuine disease when I know for a fact it was and is a biological weapon sponsored by then NATO Forces and was produced in Germany in a laboratory in the 1970’s and the first known case was in 1981.


We live in a world of hopelessness and despair, the economy of failing Americas and the world as hard times are everywhere as millions of people are dying senselessly and being treated for simple diseases perpetually with no end in sight.


In a world where the good guys are really bad and the so called bad guys are for the good of mankind, the Gambino Family says “wakeup everybody.”  We call on a movement to force the hand of the pharmaceutical industry and force the government to be honest and address the fact that we have not cure one disease since polio, but have treatments for everything made unaffordable to too many Americans.


The Conspiracy in a nutshell a historical fact:


Old Money = Illuminati = the New World Order New Money = Mafia and Associates


1: AIDS a biological weapon developed in 1976. 2: Banking Deregulation Act of 1980 created the S&L Scandal Passed by Reagan 3: Saving and Loans Crisis from about 1986-1991 – Money leaves the system old money loses, new money gains. 4: The Savings and Loans Bailout 1989 passed by Bush Sr. – Tax payers bail out the old money. 5: The Technology Bubble 1995-99-2000 –New money makes a killing. 6: The Technology Bubble Burst 2000-03 – Old money gets into the game late and new money pulls money out of the system. 7: Enormous Government Debt grows to present – self explanatory. 8: Rescue Bill 2008-09 – New money comes back into the system and is taxed, by the government and buys old money bad investments. 9: Economy recovers as new money pumps money back into the system and old money is stabilized. 10: Inventor to the cure to AIDS becomes one of the riches men in the world. The Son of Man settles with the new money and leaves them.


NaQuila Hardy persevere

NaQuila Hardy persevere


These been a very interesting three months 9 months of constant challenges.  Like I said the BUZZ is that we have a 100 songs project, with an advanced marketing strategy.


To be honest our first phase is and test sector, by trial and error we plan to perfect these strategic master templates for the future of the industry and as trend setters try to stay a step ahead of the game always.


I realize that I have a bad reputation at this stage and time, but we all know people tend to forget fast, under certain conditions especially financial incentives like a hit record or film which is included in the repertoire.    

Hollywood Energy Drinks Campaign

Hollywood Energy Drinks Campaign


Many start old and new are siding with Red Bull and Monster Energy Drinks.  Artists are filming videos, making jingles and full songs that mention one of the products.  It is anticipate monster red as being a major drink promoted by Stackz 2020.  Many artist such as P. Diddy, Janet Jackson, Lil Wayne, Alicia keys, Beyonce, Jay Z then you have people like Chris Brown, Usher, Jermaine Dupri, the Time Band who is currently performing at the Flamingo in Vegas.


This is booked as being the event of the summer, with all types of giveaways and prizes and free energy drinks.  This campaign is a tie in with Live Nation, as Live realized energy drinks wakes up a crown and alcohol pit them to sleep.

NaQuila Likes Monster Red

NaQuila Likes Monster Red


With Energy drinks on the surge as many youths use it as an aphrodisiac (Intensifies sexual desires) and as we know in the music industry sex sells.  There is a big campaign between Red Bull and Monster Energy Drinks to start a huge rivalry in a limit partnership. 


Red Bull and Monster Energy Drinks are siding up with many Pop artists in a huge campaign to make Red Bull and Monster in the energy drinks market what Coke and Pepsi is in the soft drinks market.  .


We are hoping to get sponsorship from Monster, because it is our choice of energy drinks.  Monster is basically the same thing as Red Bull meaning it works the same, however Monster give you double the bang for your buck.  They are both equally quality drinks and the goal is to make consumers choose between the two as they corner the market with hop Hip Hop Commercials on stations like MTV, BET, VH1 and Nationwide Radio Airplay  that caters to the consumer group targeted by this campaign.

Gambino’s New Rules to the Music Game

Gambino’s New Rules to the Music Game


I will be located in Florida working at my home studio making music with NaQuila, we have a 100 songs deal.  With the music industry in a slump due to the economy “Economic Crisis,” many great artists are not getting their share of the industries market.  I mean let us face it CD sales are down and people do not buy album like they used to over the internet.  You now have cafeteria fans that pick and choose song by song on internet downloads.


So it seems that the old way of doing business is quickly fading in relevance.  Major record labels have yet to address to slump.  The idea that the economy will grow again in a major way has to be based on business tactics.


Basically the point is that historically artist went to the studio with the intentions of creating a album of about 17 to 20 songs.  Then they hope the project that often has little continuity sells as a project when in reality they are just pieced together material.  Rarely a storyline is involved in these new projects. 


I think the sound of 2010-20 will be an evolving and constantly changing.  I think that the new market will be radio airplay rather than trying to always sell millions of copies of CD’s.  Artist have to demand to be paid instead of being used as promos when they make music videos, I mean commercials sponsor stations like MTV.


I think the key is not to go to the studio and just create an album, but to address the demands as the happen.  We live in a world of unpredictability’s and very few major artists are addressing the current and important issues facing the world and America.


So it seems that the wisest move today is to address contemporary issues and test new sounds to promote a new industry for a new music industry future.  I think the industry can recover if it addresses the real issues facing the industry and the economy today.  I think major artist and labels should really address the demands of consumers and make music on demand.  Meaning we should address more political issues and make more singles the match the consumers on demand for downloads.   The future of music is about who has the best set of hot singles

Be my Joneses

The G UmbrellaBe my Joneses


It was said that it is not so much important as to what goes into your mouth but what comes out of it, which is a maker of your character.  A very good word historically used as a negative connotation is Joneses meaning basically neighbor.  It is a saying to “keep up with the Joneses.”  Suggesting that you be in competition with your next door neighbor, sort of like they by a fence and you buy a more expensive fence, they buy a car and you buy a better car.


But in actuality the term Joneses is a friendly and non competitive term.  I call on the Hip Hop community to replace the terms “Nigger” and “bitch” with “Joneses.”  I call on them to say in there songs “be my Joneses.”  Because like Rev. AL Sharpton said, you are what you say you are.


Let us bring back a community to raise a child mentality and be truly neighbors and not allow ourselves to just simply be victims on the system.  A change in mentality is in our grasp, we can determine our destiny, by changing how we speak and therefore changing how we think.


It is like the new Mafia is a non profit organization for the betterment of our communities and not a self destructives movement of surviving by any means, because we are packed in the projects like sardines.  We have to address our circumstances and the situations we are facing such as the expansion of prisons, wars around the world and the AIDS pandemic; single parenthood, illiteracy and the symbolically castrated Blackman?


As simple as it may seem, a major step in the right direction as a new greeting of camaraderie (Friendship) is to stop calling your brothers or sisters Niggers and bitches and say “that is my Joneses.”  I call on major Hip Hop community to introduce this concept into their culture.  Personally I really like some Hip Hop and Rap music, but I am embarrassed by it; I think the term Joneses will sell more records and allow the music to reach more homes.  At least consider it. And most importantly it would create a safer community and brotherly and sisterly love among our youth.

Janet Jackson’s First Love is Money

Janet Jackson Super Bowl PhotoJanet Jackson’s First Love is Money


When Janet had it like that she ran behind pretty boys supporting their extravagant taste and was taken for a ride.  She also got use to the high life.  If you noticed Janet and Latoya got close to people who were a part of there careers, like managers, on the streets we called them panders and pimps, people who promise you the world but are all for self, you remember Jack Gordon, he had Latoya doing porn and took her for everything, now we have Jermaine Dupri and Janet, but do you remember Rene Elizondo and the millions he raked in for taking photos and keeping secrets?  Jermaine is no different he cash in on the milking cow and now she is used up.  So many sad stories!  But Janet had a good run.


Jermaine Dupri personally I underestimated, with his cross dressing and homo acts I took him as a homosexual, but he turned out to be a slick businessman also and Janet being in the business as long as she has been could be called simply dumb, but we will go with green to street smarts. 


First if you remember in 2004 I believe Janet experienced the nipple-gate at the Super Bowl and I blamed Justin Timberlake who later told me he was setup and it was planned.  I remember on the news that day Jermaine Dupri describe it as sexy with a smile on his face.  Red flags should have sky rocketed but I underestimated him.  Janet never recovered from that event.  Then he produced album after album that were flops and a tour that was not anything it was supposed to be, now the once her men’s supporter depends on an ugly midget to try to maintain her lifestyle without family support. 


Why did this happen because it came too easy to her and she believed the fantasy and when she had it she chose money over knowledge and glamour over reality and as a result lost the trust of those who really cared about her  and the one person who was always in her corner may well abandon her.  “You reap what you sow.” Nobody left Janet in a time of need, she abandoned those who cared for fake friends, you cannot split up what was never in reality you just see their true colors.  “Everybody love a star, but nobody is around when the star comes down,” but disgruntled love.

There’s no Frank Paul Gambino & Janet Jackson

Paul & JanetThere’s no Frank Paul Gambino & Janet Jackson


Just because she is allegedly well off and I am allegedly not does not mean she is the giver and I the taker, it was the other way around.  Maybe that is how celebrities get wealthy; they take and do not compensate from the unfortunate for a profit.  I slaved for Janet for may years and never saw a dime and I did it out of caring and felt I was in dept to her, because of a child that I found out allegedly does not exist, so that makes me a free man, I owe her nothing.  If I owe anyone I owe myself.


First I was a loyal friend, then it is “I don’t know you man,” on the contrary I do not know her.  After 20 years plus, what does she not know about me.  But she remains a mystery because she hardly ever tells the truth and I have no more time for this charade. 


I cut off my hands and lost a lot of my friends, because of my love for her I left them behind and she does not respect that.  While I was alone, she was in bed with James, Rene, and Jermaine and half of Hollywood, with not a break in-between.  People think I am not good enough for her but it is the other way around, she is probably nothing but a worn out socket these days with a man who bought his penis over the internet, the leftovers as a result of 25 consecutive years of sexual activity, she admits she never took a break and claims no children, so be it and we have nothing in common.


This is not out of disrespect, but out of consideration to the few regular readers I have, that tune in on her web sites.  I will find me another platform and address new issues.  Janet does not pay me or compensate me, I am not her love interest, she asked me to be her loyal fan, I cannot settle for those conditions not actively.  I cannot continue to wakeup 4 am to post on her web sites, before I go to work and stay up until 10 pm researching current events without the respect or honor or a dime in the mail.  So now I have time to do me and reacquaint myself with old friends and leave her behind and count my losses.  I will get mine’s!



Is African American Culture included in our Multicultural society of America?

african-breat-exposed2Is African American Culture included in our Multicultural society of America?


I am half Sicilian but was raised black and know nothing about European Culture, but I know Justin Timberlake is white and Janet Jackson is African American, and therefore they clearly come for two different cultural backgrounds.  It is alright for a black woman to expose her breasts and it is not alright for a white woman to do the same that is because of cultural differences.  It is not alright for a white man to stripe and expose a black woman’s breast and therefore if anything is investigated it should be Justin’s sexual assault



Excerpt from President Obama’s Inaugural Address

For we know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness.

We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus, and nonbelievers. We are shaped by every language and culture, drawn from every end of this Earth

And because we have tasted the bitter swill of civil war and segregation and emerged from that dark chapter stronger and more united, we cannot help but believe that the old hatreds shall someday pass; that the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve; that as the world grows smaller, our common humanity shall reveal itself; and that America must play its role in ushering in a new era of peace.

To the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect.

To those leaders around the globe who seek to sow conflict or blame their society’s ills on the West, know that your people will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy.

To those…

Excerpt from Wikipedia African American Culture

African American culture is rooted in Africa and is a blend of chiefly sub-Saharan African and Sahelean cultures. Although slavery greatly restricted the ability of Africans in America to practice their cultural traditions, many practices, values, and beliefs survived and over time have modified or blended with European American culture. There are even some facets of African American culture that were accentuated by the slavery period. The result is a dynamic culture that has had and continues to have a profound impact on mainstream American culture, as well as the culture of the broader world.