Carmine Gotti named “The Don” of New Pop

Carmine Gotti named “The Don” of New Pop


There are some many things under wraps and so many great things in the works.  As you may have figured out by now, I go by many names, 6 to be accurate; and my seventh name is yet to be revealed.  I am Frank Paul Jones aka Paul Castellano aka Frank Paul Gotti aka Frank Paul Gambino aka Capstone Zulu aka Jesus Paul Solomon.  I wonder what my 7th name will be.


It is not about multiple personalities, although I have been accused of that.  It is about paying due respect to people who were influences in my life and the role I played at that moment and time in my life.  It is not about disrespect to anyone but in fact it is about due respect and a way of expressing gratitude to important people in my growth.


Where am I going with this?  I hear Rick Ross named his new Album “Teflon Don.”  And I hear Victoria’s son Carmine has a problem with it.  Well I want to tell you Rick Ross you is no John Gotti!  However what I do suggest is that Carmine step up and be the Don of New Pop, sort of like the Frank Sinatra of the new millennium.  


It is all in fun and entertainment, however real connections exist in the real world.  They say John J. Gotti was a ruthless killer, when in reality he was a very charitable and good man.  Do they call the president of the U.S. a murderer in the tabloids for sending troops to war?  Enemies must be destroyed in all walks of life.  The Mafia is to big business what the CIA is to the government.  And until that is duly recognized the economy will never recover.


All to say, Rick if this was genuinely due respect to the Gotti family, here you have a 24 year old young man entering into a new stage in the business.  He is a friend to the Gambino Family and the grandson of Don Gotti.  If you want to be a friend to the Gambino Family and was showing due respect use your fame and influence in the Hip Hop game to give Carmine Gotti every opportunity to reach people in the name of the Gambino Family.  That said!


Finally, I think John A. Gotti should extend Gambino Records.  I used the name in my BETA project; however John I think we should incorporate the label with a major label as a subsidiary.  The music industry owes this to the Gambino Family.  It is time to restructure the family. 


Therefore to the Gotti Family I hand over Gambino Records and to my nephews I hand over Gambino Productions.  Now it is up to Carmine Gotti to reach out and connect himself to these networks.  Victoria should contact Egeria and give Gambino Records and Productions new meaning.  There is some tight stuff out there!  As for Rick Ross you owe us one.  W.W.J.D. but share the wealth! 

FindCure-CureAIDS the Anthem

FindCure-CureAIDSFindCure-CureAIDS the Anthem


With a new marketing technique NaQuila of Red Lingerie Entertainment and Frank Paul Gambino Productions are planning to put out something never heard before.  In a 100 songs deal the sounds are being marketed in a smooth transition.


FindCure-CureAIDS is a giveaway donated song to promote AIDS research which in the song describe the fatalities due to this dreadful disease, which has killed and infected millions around the world.


It is a little premature as to the scheme of things but the marketing strategy is really 2020.  So stay tuned and put on the Gambino Umbrella Seatbelt and enjoys the ride because it is a journey and things only get better.

Influencers Hidden Secrets


The circle of influencers and their success by manipulation is getting old.  Reality is not even real anymore.  You have reality TV hoes and camcorder freaks, by staying in front of a camera for publicity.  There is not too much a person will not do in Hollywood, but it gets deeper.


People think real gangsters are a bunch of fly dressing showboats; nothing is further from the truth.  Companies like All-Good Entertainment, Clear Channel Communications and Live Nation, as well as Microsoft and Goggle are influencers.


Entertainment especially the record industry tends to get young kids to mold into stars.  They make them into antisocial figures and screw people up.  I mean take Michael Jackson and Lil Wayne both were normal looking people, and then they went crazy as one turned white and the other turned into a walking billboard to include facial paintings.  They made mega star status in return for self destruction.  And will be good for nothing once there careers ended, because a fast food restaurant would mess with them.  So knowing there limited abilities they keep people out of the game?  No it is not them but the freak creators Dr. Frankenstein. 


Then as a result they create demands for services.  People are buying tattoos like madness, because Hollywood condoned it and promoted it.  Meanwhile these kids think they are cool because they are getting paid, tattoos and all to include pants falling off their behinds, something symbolic of the prison institutionalized mentality.


The bottom line is this it does not always require talents to be successful in the corrupt Gay Mobbed up Hollywood; you just have to welling to fuck yourself up and by a pig and whore.  Hollywood is a bunch of slaves working for publicity and attention meaning fame.  Sure they are millionaires but the costs of living is outrageous for them to include stratospherically high security costs and if you do not pay for the protection the system does you like Lil Wayne and Michael Jackson and those people who you did not hire uses their influence to put you in jail or destroy your reputation or even put you to sleep.


Bottom line:  In Hollywood you pay to play, and have to surrender the wealth or it is taken from you.  It is the ones behind the scenes getting paid, these people we see often are victims of the system that recruited them before they were mature enough to make wise business decisions and they seem to always be trying to keep up and make the next hit record.  The case of Childhood stars!

NaQuila Likes Monster Red

NaQuila Likes Monster Red


With Energy drinks on the surge as many youths use it as an aphrodisiac (Intensifies sexual desires) and as we know in the music industry sex sells.  There is a big campaign between Red Bull and Monster Energy Drinks to start a huge rivalry in a limit partnership. 


Red Bull and Monster Energy Drinks are siding up with many Pop artists in a huge campaign to make Red Bull and Monster in the energy drinks market what Coke and Pepsi is in the soft drinks market.  .


We are hoping to get sponsorship from Monster, because it is our choice of energy drinks.  Monster is basically the same thing as Red Bull meaning it works the same, however Monster give you double the bang for your buck.  They are both equally quality drinks and the goal is to make consumers choose between the two as they corner the market with hop Hip Hop Commercials on stations like MTV, BET, VH1 and Nationwide Radio Airplay  that caters to the consumer group targeted by this campaign.

Gambino’s New Rules to the Music Game

Gambino’s New Rules to the Music Game


I will be located in Florida working at my home studio making music with NaQuila, we have a 100 songs deal.  With the music industry in a slump due to the economy “Economic Crisis,” many great artists are not getting their share of the industries market.  I mean let us face it CD sales are down and people do not buy album like they used to over the internet.  You now have cafeteria fans that pick and choose song by song on internet downloads.


So it seems that the old way of doing business is quickly fading in relevance.  Major record labels have yet to address to slump.  The idea that the economy will grow again in a major way has to be based on business tactics.


Basically the point is that historically artist went to the studio with the intentions of creating a album of about 17 to 20 songs.  Then they hope the project that often has little continuity sells as a project when in reality they are just pieced together material.  Rarely a storyline is involved in these new projects. 


I think the sound of 2010-20 will be an evolving and constantly changing.  I think that the new market will be radio airplay rather than trying to always sell millions of copies of CD’s.  Artist have to demand to be paid instead of being used as promos when they make music videos, I mean commercials sponsor stations like MTV.


I think the key is not to go to the studio and just create an album, but to address the demands as the happen.  We live in a world of unpredictability’s and very few major artists are addressing the current and important issues facing the world and America.


So it seems that the wisest move today is to address contemporary issues and test new sounds to promote a new industry for a new music industry future.  I think the industry can recover if it addresses the real issues facing the industry and the economy today.  I think major artist and labels should really address the demands of consumers and make music on demand.  Meaning we should address more political issues and make more singles the match the consumers on demand for downloads.   The future of music is about who has the best set of hot singles

Lil Wayne Donates $60G to good cause

Lil Wayne Donates $60G to good cause


It is not just what you know but who you know.  NaQuila a former member of the cash money entourage now under the Gambino Umbrella is in secret confidential conversations with Lil Wayne.


Lil Wayne promise NaQuila if he ever got where he is his door is open to helping a friend or a cause.  NaQuila who is singer, dancer and songwriter is also the Executive Assistant of the CEO/President of the National Network and Coalition of Highlands, INC.


We plan to use the bottom floor as a elderly center and serve meals between 12 pm and 4 pm and affordable prices.  30% of the profits will go to the organization for expenses.   We plan to setup the wonderful gift from Lil Wayne on the second floor; we want a light weight studio and a booth that is not too heavy which will be use with a reflection filter.


We plan to put Lil Wayne in our gold book for out most committed donors. 



Frank Paul Gambino Productions


PS: Good Bless Lil Wayne


Radio Performance Royalty Bill HR 848

Michael BasidenRadio Performance Royalty Bill HR 848


Introduced on 4 February 2009:

Performance Rights Act – Amends federal copyright law to:

(1) Grant performers of sound recordings equal rights to compensation from terrestrial broadcasters;
(2) establish a flat annual fee in lieu of payment of royalties for individual


In view of the fact that since the beginning the standard in American Radio was that Broadcasters did not have to pay artist performance royalties as they did pay (songwriters) royalties because they allegedly promoted the artist and was a service to the artist.  However, Internet Radio, Satellite Radio and the distribution of MP-3’s having drastically transformed the music scene.  So the United States Congress is responding with due diligence to this fundamental flaw in the industry.


Question: Is this true today, does radio broadcasters name the artist after each song these days?  I mean artist like Janet Jackson and Michael we just know them when we hear them, but how about the new artists?


Many radio stations are in opposition to the new legislation, but this legislation is designed to preserve the American way, because if the artists continue to get cheated they will cease to exist, than radio will have nothing to play of good quality.  A frontrunner in opposition is Michael Baisden of Kiss 98.7 one of the hottest shows on radio syndicated nationwide.


Maybe there might be a middle ground that has to be found, that is cost effective to both sides such as increased costs to advertise and a few pennies on the products we buy in stores to cover the costs, but the artist has to be paid for the industry to continue to produce quality music.  Maybe even a tax on blank CD’s!


As we know with the new music scene album sales are down, perhaps the production of SACD formatted albums could help some, but the fact of the matter is that most people listen to MP-3 and radio as a source of music listening pleasure.  The artist of the future will have to cater to seeking radio airplay as opposed to record sales.  A hit to the future artist will be determined by how much airplay they get, so the bill is a good bill, but the costs has to be absorbed by the consumers across the board in the form of slightly high consumer prices across the board.  That is my opinion what is yours?


The Message of the Day


You will find yourself in situations where confrontation is necessary — not every day perhaps but enough to realize it is going to be a feature over the next 12 months or so. That’s good. You need to toughen up and recognize how much more you are capable of.

Your feelings tend to be a bit fragile at this time of year but that is not an excuse to avoid challenging situations. Your heightened sensitivity will help you make the right decisions.

H.R. 484 May strike down Radio Exemption to Performance Royalties

Janet #26H.R. 484 May strike down Radio Exemption to Performance Royalties


I am not doing anything out of the ordinary or extraordinary.  I am just hoping Janet might perform one show for AllGood Entertainment; I do not want a long drawn out court lawsuit, by Patrick Allocco.  Michael said he would do the show when he comes from London, Janet is working on a new album.  I just took it on my own to act as a mediator between MJJ and Patrick, I might have committed Janet prematurely, but the show would help record sales, she can do her best songs and record the performance and make an agreement to use them to promote her album saving costs on music videos.  The arrangement is all good if all we get is the retainer and access to the film for future exploitation.  In other words instead of paying to make videos will get paid to make an extravaganza, that can be used to exploit our material.


I understand that  ASACP, BMI, and SASAC Americas Performance Rights Organizations (PRO’s) proposed a bill through Rep. John Conyers to go up on the rates to play music over the radio airwaves, I do not know if that includes internet radio, I am searching for this information and will report on this in the future.  Radio personalities are upset with this change.  The House Bill will strike down radio exemption of performance rights. Under H.R. 484 if passed many black radio personalities think it my harm the radio industry.  The issue is about putting some more money in the artists pockets.


It might work out, I am a member of ASCAP and I know recording artist are not selling music like the old days and radio airplay is my number one source of music listening.  You will find that most people listen to the radio hours every day.  So if this is true, it might not be all unethical or bad but a good thing, it would simply require a slight increase in fess by commercials aired on the radio and if it applies to internet radio and it should it would protect the radio industry from unfair competition.  Basically it is a new tax across the economic board and the radio stations will not carry the burden alone.


Performance Rights

Click above to learn what performing rights are


Performing rights are the right to perform music in public. It is part of copyright law and demands payment to the music’s composer/lyricist and publisher (with the royalties generally split 50/50 between the two.


You may be of the opinion that there are no limits, and generally speaking you may be right, but with Saturn turning direct on your birthday this year it will pay you to know how far you can go without provoking a negative reaction. Far enough, but not too far!

You may have to cut back on social activities and focus more on your home life this week but it won’t cause you any great hardship. Partners and loved ones need your assistance and you will jump at the chance to do your self-sacrifice bit.

My Report on MP-3 and Music Industry Dilemma

dscn01391My Report on MP-3 and Music Industry Dilemma


To: President Barak Obama

From: Frank Paul Gambino Productions

Date: 16 March 2009


A mildly beneficial Mercury- Venus aspect on your birthday will encourage you to be more forward in both your thinking and your conversation. You have a lot of good ideas to offer the world but unless you speak up about them how will the world know?


You don’t always find it easy to express your point of view but with communications planet Mercury transiting your sign words will tumble out of you as and when you need them. Be careful though that you don’t say too much. Some things are better left unsaid.

Dear, Mr. President

I think your multitasking approach is outstanding, but we must not forget the arts as in the music industry.  Instead of writing a long letter, I will link you to several articles I wrote on the subject.  I do not just mention the problem but the solutions as well. 

What are Obama’s plans for the music industry?

Music Industry and MP-3 Complexities we must address

Charge MP-3 Memory or Drive Space Taxes

A Distribution Network waiting for Marching Orders

The Rise of the Underground by JDJJ


You are right some things are better left unsaid, especially when you have a self-righteous family.  I am about to give up on them, trying to prove things to them is futile, their minds are made up.

My family members and friends can recite every scripture but never mentions this one.  So I realize their disbelief is as preordained as my life in whole and things are better left unsaid to keep the peace and prevent an all out fallout.


A Prophet without Honor


13:54-58 pp—Mk 6:1-6


Mt 13:53 When Jesus had finished these parables, he moved on from there. 

Mt 13:54 Coming to his hometown, he began teaching the people in their synagogue, and they were amazed. “Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?” they asked. 

Mt 13:55 “Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? 

Mt 13:56 aren’t all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?” 

Mt 13:57 And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, “Only in his hometown and in his own house is a prophet without honor.”

Mt 13:58 And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.  




What is Obama’s Plans for Music Industry?

obama-official-photo1What is Obama’s Plans for Music Industry?


Behind all the glitter and glamour everything that shines is not gold.  The music industry is catching pure hell, even the biggest named artist are not necessarily getting royal treatment.  As the monster of entertainment Clear Channel Communications suffered $5 Billion in forth quarter losses due to major chances in asset valuation, such as licenses and other permits.  So not only did Janet Jackson tour in Japan get affected by the economy.  As huge names like Prince is doing it independently.


EMI lost about $200 Million in its first half of the financial year as the music business shows few signs of recovery.  Sony experienced a 22% decrease in revenue.  I mean everyone is hurting now.  Take Atlantic Records they say digital downloads surpassed CD sales, yet statistics claim 95% of downloaded digital music in 2008 was illegal.  It is predicted that digital sales will surpass music CD’s sales by 2012 across the board.  Meanwhile blank CD’s is still doing well.  What is the solution?  Sadly I must say this but the only solution is a music tax, because the computer age turned the normally honest into the dishonest, and the music industry is being raped. 


There has to be a music tax that is distributed in the same fashion as royalties, based on a percentage of the market share of a given artist or the music industry will soon be history and the American way changed in a negative way.  Balling at the Presidential inauguration was a good thing but let us get down to business and make the music industry a part of the economic recovery plan.  Because people probably listen to music more than ever, we just do not pay for it anymore.  Mr. President we are depending on you.